Goto Section: 90.41 | 90.45 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.43
Revised as of
Goto Year:1996 | 1998
Sec. 90.43  School buses.

    (a) Eligibility. Persons or organizations operating school buses on 
a regular basis over regular routes are eligible to hold authorizations 
to operate radio stations for the transmission of messages pertaining to 
either the efficient operation of the school bus service or the safety 
or general welfare of the students they are engaged in transporting.
    (b) Class and number of stations available. Each school bus operator 
may be authorized to operate one base station and a number of mobile 
units not in excess of the total of the number of buses and maintenance 
vehicles regularly engaged in the school bus operation. Additional base 
stations or mobile units will be authorized only in exceptional 
circumstances when the applicant can show a specific need.

Goto Section: 90.41 | 90.45

Goto Year: 1996 | 1998
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