Goto Section: 90.51 | 90.55 | Table of Contents

FCC 90.53
Revised as of
Goto Year:1996 | 1998
Sec. 90.53  Frequencies available.

    (a) The following table indicates frequencies available for 
assignment to stations in the Special Emergency Radio Service, together 
with the class of station(s) to which they are normally assigned and the 
specific assignment limitations which are explained in paragraph (b) of 
this section. (Frequencies below 450 MHz indicated for base or mobile 
stations may be authorized to fixed stations on a secondary basis to 
stations in the mobile service):

                Special Emergency Service Frequency Table               
         Frequency or band             Class of station(s)   Limitations
2000-3000..........................  Fixed.................  ...........
2726...............................  Base or mobile........           2 
3201...............................  ...........
33.02..............................       3, 25 
33.04..............................          25 
33.06..............................       3, 25 
33.08..............................          25 
33.10..............................       3, 25 
35.02..............................  Mobile................          27 
35.64..............................  Base..................           4 
35.68..............................           4 
37.90..............................  Base or mobile........       3, 25 
37.94..............................       3, 25 
37.98..............................       3, 25 
43.64..............................  Base..................       4, 28 
43.68..............................           4 
45.92..............................  Base or mobile........          25 
45.96..............................          25 
46.00..............................          25 
46.04..............................          25 
47.42..............................       5, 25 
47.46..............................          25 
47.50..............................          25 
47.54..............................          25 
47.58..............................          25 
47.62..............................          25 
47.66..............................          25 
72.00 to 76.00.....................  Operational fixed.....           6 
150 to 170.........................  Base or mobile........      36, 39 
152.0075...........................  Base..................   4, 31, 37 

[[Page 343]]

155.160............................  Base or mobile........          25 
155.1675...........................      25, 30 
155.175............................          25 
155.1825...........................      25, 30 
155.205............................          25 
155.2125...........................      25, 30 
155.220............................          25 
155.2275...........................      25, 30 
155.235............................          25 
155.2425...........................      25, 30 
155.265............................          25 
155.2725...........................      25, 30 
155.280............................          25 
155.2875...........................      25, 30 
155.295............................          25 
155.3025...........................      25, 30 
157.450............................   4, 11, 37 
163.250............................       4, 37 
169-172............................  Mobile................          33 
450-470............................  Fixed, base, or mobile      12, 36 
453.0125...........................  Mobile................          38 
453.025............................  Base..................          26 
453.075............................          26 
453.125............................          26 
453.175............................          26 
458.0125...........................  Mobile................          38 
458.0375...........................          38 
458.0625...........................          38 
458.0875...........................          38 
458.1125...........................          38 
458.1375...........................          38 
458.1625...........................          38 
458.1875...........................          38 
460.5125...........................          38 
460.5375...........................          38 
460.5625...........................          38 
462.9375...........................          38 
462.9625...........................          38 
462.9875...........................          38 
463.0125...........................          38 
463.0375...........................          38 
463.0625...........................          38 
463.0875...........................          38 
463.1125...........................          38 
463.1375...........................          38 
463.1625...........................          38 
463.1875...........................          38 
465.5125...........................          38 
465.5375...........................          38 
465.5625...........................          38 
467.9375...........................          38 
467.9625...........................          38 
467.9875...........................          38 
468.0125...........................          38 
468.0375...........................          38 
468.0625...........................          38 
468.0875...........................          38 
468.1125...........................          38 
468.1375...........................          38 
468.1625...........................          38 
468.1875...........................          38 
806 to 824.........................  Mobile................          21 
851 to 869.........................  Base or mobile........          21 
928 and above......................  Operational fixed.....          22 
929 to 930.........................  Base only.............           7 
1427 to 1435.......................  Operational fixed,              23 
                                      base or mobile.                   
2450 to 2500.......................  Base or mobile........          24 
10,550 to 10,680...................           9 

    (b) Explanation of assignment limitations appearing in the frequency 
table of paragraph (a) of this section:
    (1) Appropriate frequencies in the band 2000-3000 kHz which are 
designated in part 80 of this chapter as available to Public Ship 
Stations for telephone communications with Public Coast Stations may be 
assigned on a secondary basis to Special Emergency fixed Stations for 
communication with Public Coast Stations only, provided such stations 
are located in the United States and the following conditions are met:
    (i) That such fixed station is established pursuant to the 
eligibility provisions of Sec. 90.47 and that the isolated area involved 
is an island or other location not more than 480 km (300 statute miles) 
removed from the desired point of communication and isolated from that 
point by water.
    (ii) That evidence is submitted showing that an arrangement has been 
made with the coast station licensee for the handling of emergency 
communications permitted by Secs. 80.453 and 90.47(d) of this chapter.
    (iii) That operation of the Special Emergency fixed station shall at 
no time conflict with any provision of part 80 of this chapter and 
further, that such operation in general shall conform to the practices 
employed by Public Ship Stations for radiotelephone communication with 
the same Public Coast Station.
    (2) This frequency is shared with the Local Government Radio Service 
where it is available for State Guard operations.
    (3) This frequency is shared with the Highway Maintenance Radio 
    (4) This frequency will be assigned only for one-way paging 
communications to mobile receivers. Transmissions for the purpose of 
activating or controlling remote objects on this frequency are not 
    (5) Thus frequency is reserved for assignment only to national 
organizations eligible for disaster relief operations under Sec. 90.41.
    (6) The frequencies available for use at operational-fixed stations 
in the band 72-76 MHz are listed in Sec. 90.257(a)(1). These frequencies 
are shared with other services and are available only in accordance with 
the provisions of Sec. 90.257.
    (7) Frequencies in this band are available only for one-way paging 
operations in accordance with Sec. 90.494.
    (8) [Reserved]
    (9) The frequencies in the band 10.55-10.68 GHz are available for 
Digital Termination Systems and for associated intermodal links in the 
Point-to-Point Microwave Radio Service. No new licenses will be issued 
under this subpart but current licenses will be renewed.
    (10) [Reserved]
    (11) Operations on this frequency are limited to 30 watts 
transmitter output power.
    (12) The requirements for secondary fixed use of frequencies in this 
band are set forth in Sec. 90.261.
    (13)-(20) [Reserved]
    (21) Subpart S contains rules for assignment of frequencies in the 
806-824 MHz and 851-869 MHz bands.
    (22) Assignment of frequencies above 928 MHz for operational-fixed 
stations is governed by part 94 of this chapter.
    (23) This frequency band is available in this service subject to the 
provisions of Sec. 90.259.

[[Page 344]]

    (24) Available only on a shared basis with stations in other 
services, and subject to no protection from interference due to the 
operation of industrial, scientific, or medical (ISM) devices. In the 
2483.5-2500 MHz band, no applications for new or modification to the 
existing stations to increase the number of transmitters will be 
accepted. Existing licensees as of July 25, 1985, or on a subsequent 
date following as a result of submitting an application for license on 
or before July 25, 1985, are grandfathered and their operation is co-
primary with the Radiodetermination Satellite Service.
    (25) A licensee regularly conducting two-way communication 
operations on this frequency may, on a secondary basis, also transmit 
one-way alert-paging signals to ambulance and rescue squad personnel.
    (26) Paging licensees as of March 20, 1991, may continue to operate 
on a primary basis until January 14, 1998.
    (27) This frequency is available in this service only to persons 
eligible under the provisions of Sec. 90.38(a) for operation of 
transmitters having a maximum power output of three watts using A1A, 
A1D, A2B, A2D, F1B, F1D, F2B, F2D, G1B, G1D, G2B, or G2D emission. This 
frequency is also available in the Business Radio Service on a co-equal 
basis with the Special Emergency Radio Service users.
    (28) No new licenses will be granted for one-way paging under 
Sec. 90.487 for use on this frequency after August 1, 1980. This 
frequency is available to persons eligible for station licenses under 
the provisions of Sec. 90.38(a) on a co-equal basis with one-way paging 
users under Sec. 90.487 prior to August 1, 1985, and on a primary basis 
after August 1, 1985. Only A1A, A1D, A2B, A2D, F1B, F1D, F2B, F2D, G1B, 
G1D, G2B, G2D emissions and power not exceeding 10 watts will be 
authorized. Antennas having gain greater than 0 dBd will not be 
authorized. Transmissions shall not exceed two seconds duration.
    (29) [Reserved]
    (30) This frequency is not available in the 150-170 MHz band until 
August 18, 1996. This frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
bandwidth not to exceed 11.25 kHz. In the 450-470 MHz band, secondary 
telemetry operations pursuant to Sec. 90.238(e) will be authorized on 
this frequency.
    (31) This frequency is removed by 22.5 kHz from frequencies assigned 
to other radio services. Utilization of this frequency may result in, as 
well as be subject to, interference under certain operating conditions. 
In considering the use of this frequency, adjacent channel operations 
should be taken into consideration. If interference occurs, the licensee 
may be required to take the necessary steps to resolve the problem. See 
Sec. 90.173(b).
    (32) [Reserved]
    (33) Frequencies in this band will be assigned for low power 
wireless microphones in accordance with provisions of Sec. 90.265.
    (34) [Reserved]
    (35) This frequency is not available until August 18, 1996. After 
August 18, 1996 this frequency will be assigned with an authorized 
bandwidth not to exceed 6 kHz.
    (36) Assignment of frequencies in this band are subject to the 
provisions of Sec. 90.173.
    (37) This frequency will be authorized a channel bandwidth of 25 
    (38) This frequency is available for systems first licensed prior to 
August 18, 1995. No new systems will be authorized after August 18, 
1995, but prior authorized systems may be modified, expanded, and 
    (39) Licensees as of August 18, 1995 who operate systems that are 
2.5 kHz removed from regularly assignable frequencies may continue to 
operate on a secondary, non-interference basis after August 1, 2003.
    (c) Additional frequencies available. In addition to the frequencies 
shown in the frequency table of this section, the following frequencies 
are available in this service. (See also Sec. 90.253).
    (1) Substitution of frequencies available below 25 MHz may be made 
in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 90.263.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (3) Frequencies in the band 73.0-74.6 MHz may be assigned to 
stations authorized their use on or before December 1, 1961, but no new 
stations will be authorized in this band, nor will expansion of existing 
systems be permitted. (See also Sec. 90.257.)
    (4) The frequency bands 31.99 to 32.00 MHz, 33.00 to 33.01 MHz, 
33.99 to 34.00 MHz, 37.93 to 38.00 MHz, 39.00 to 39.01 MHz, 39.99 to 
40.00 MHz and 42.00 to 42.01 MHz are available for assignment for 
developmental operation subject to the provisions of subpart Q.
    (5) Frequencies in the 421-430 MHz band are available in the 
Detroit, Cleveland, and Buffalo areas in accordance with the rules in 
Secs. 90.273 through 90.281.
    (d) Limitation on number of frequencies assignable. Normally only 
one frequency below 450 MHz will be assigned for mobile service 
operations by a single applicant in a given area. The assignment of an 
additional frequency will be made only upon a satisfactory showing of 
need, except that:
    (1) Additional frequencies above 25 MHz may be assigned in 
connection with the operation of mobile repeaters in accordance with 
Sec. 90.247, notwithstanding this limitation.
    (2) An additional frequency may be assigned for paging operations 
from those frequencies available under Sec. 90.53(b)(4).
    (3) The frequency 155.340 MHz may be assigned as an additional 
frequency when it is designated as a mutual assistance frequency as 
provided in Sec. 90.53(b)(10).
    (4) Additional frequencies may be assigned for fixed station 

[[Page 345]]

    (5) Frequencies in the 25-50 MHz, 150-170 MHz, 450-512 MHz and 902-
928 MHz bands may be assigned for the operation of Location and 
Monitoring Service (LMS) systems in accordance with the provisions of 
subpart M of this part, notwithstanding this limitation.

(Secs. 4, 303, 307, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1082, 1083; 47 U.S.C. 
154, 303, 307; secs. 4(i) and 303(r), Communications Act of 1934, as 
amended, Secs. 0.131 and 0.331 of the Commission's Rules and 5 U.S.C. 
553 (b)(3)(B) and (d)(3); 47 U.S.C. 154(i) and )
[43 303 FR 54791 , Nov. 22, 1978]

    Editorial Note:  For Federal Register citations affecting 
Sec. 90.53, see the List of CFR Sections Affected in the Finding Aids 
section of this volume.

Goto Section: 90.51 | 90.55

Goto Year: 1996 | 1998
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