Goto Section: 1.1705 | 1.1707 | Table of Contents

FCC 1.1706
Revised as of October 1, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  1.1706   Content of filings.

   (a) General. Filings must contain all information requested on the
   applicable form and any additional information required by the rules in this
   title and any rules pertaining to the specific service for which the filing
   is made.

   (b) Antenna locations. Applications for CARS stations and aeronautical
   frequency usage notifications must describe each transmitting antenna site
   or center of the cable system, respectively, by its geographical
   coordinates. Geographical coordinates must be specified in degrees, minutes,
   and seconds to the nearest tenth of a second of latitude and longitude.
   Submissions must provide such data using the NAD83 datum.

   (c) Antenna structure registration. Owners of certain antenna structures
   must notify the Federal Aviation Administration and register with the
   Commission as required by Part 17 of this chapter. Applications proposing
   the use of one or more new or existing antenna structures must contain the
   FCC Antenna Registration Number(s) of each structure for which registration
   is required. If registration is not required, the applicant must provide
   information in its application sufficient for the Commission to verify this

   (d) Environmental concerns. Each applicant is required to indicate at the
   time its application is filed whether a Commission grant of the application
   may have a significant environmental effect, as defined by  Sec. 1.1307. If yes,
   an Environmental Assessment, required by  Sec. 1.1311, must be filed with the
   application and environmental review by the Commission must be completed
   prior to construction.

   (e) International coordination. Channel assignments and usage under part 78
   are subject to the applicable provisions and requirements of treaties and
   other international agreements between the United States government and the
   governments of Canada and Mexico.

   (f) Taxpayer Identification Number (TINs). All filers are required to
   provide their Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINS) (as defined in 26
   U.S.C. 6109) to the Commission, pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement
   Act of 1996 (DCIA). Under the DCIA, the FCC may use an applicant or
   licensee's TIN for purposes of collecting and reporting to the Department of
   the Treasury any delinquent amounts arising out of such person's
   relationship with the Government.

Goto Section: 1.1705 | 1.1707

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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