Goto Section: 21.927 | 21.935

FCC 21.929
Revised as of May 5, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  22.929   Application requirements for the Cellular Radiotelephone Service.


   In addition to information required by subparts B and D of this part,
   applications for authorization in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service
   contain required information as described in the instructions to the
   form. Site coordinates must be referenced to NAD83 and be correct to
   ±1 second.

   (a) Administrative information. The following information is required
   either by FCC Form 601, or as an exhibit:

   (1) Location description; city; county; state; geographical
   coordinates correct to ± 1 second, the datum used (NAD 83), site
   elevation above mean sea level, proximity to adjacent market
   boundaries and international borders;

   (2) Antenna height to tip above ground level, the height of the center
   of radiation of the antenna above the average terrain, the height of
   the antenna center of radiation above the average elevation of the
   terrain along each of the 8 cardinal radials, antenna gain in the
   maximum lobe, the beamwidth of the maximum lobe of the antenna, a
   polar plot of the horizontal gain pattern of the antenna, the electric
   field polarization of the wave emitted by the antenna when installed
   as proposed:

   (3) The channel block requested, the maximum effective radiated power,
   the effective radiated power in each of the cardinal radial

   (b) If the application involves a service area boundary (SAB)
   extension (Sec. 22.912 of this chapter), the licensee must provide a
   statement as described in Sec. 22.953.

   (c) Maps. If the application proposes a change in the CGSA, it must
   include full size and reduced maps, and supporting engineering, as
   described in Sec. 22.953 (a)(1) through (a)(3).

   (d) Antenna Information. Upon request by an applicant, licensee, or
   the Commission, a cellular applicant or licensee of whom the request
   is made shall furnish the antenna type, model, and the name of the
   antenna manufacturer to the requesting party within ten (10) days of
   receiving written notification.

   [ 63 FR 68951 , Dec. 14, 1998, as amended at  64 FR 53241 , Oct. 1, 1999]

Goto Section: 21.927 | 21.935

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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