Goto Section: 21.943 | 21.947

FCC 21.946
Revised as of May 5, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  22.946   Service commencement and construction systems.


   (a) Commencement of service. New cellular systems must be at least
   partially constructed and begin providing cellular service to
   subscribers within the service commencement periods specified in Table
   H-1 of this section. Service commencement periods begin on the date of
   grant of the initial authorization, and are not extended by the grant
   of subsequent authorizations for the cellular system (such as for
   major modifications). The licensee must notify the FCC (FCC Form 601)
   after the requirements of this section are met (see Sec. 1.946 of this

                    Table H-1_Commencement of Service
        Type of cellular system          Required to commence service in
The first system authorized on each      36 months.
 channel block in markets 1-90.
The first system authorized on each      18 months.
 channel block in all other markets and
 any subsequent systems authorized
 pursuant to contracts in partitioned
The first system authorized on each      No requirement.
 channel block in the Gulf of Mexico
 Exclusive Zone.
All other systems......................  12 months.

   (b) To satisfy this requirement, a cellular system must be
   interconnected with the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and
   must be providing service to mobile stations operated by its
   subscribers and roamers. A cellular system is considered to be
   providing service only if mobile stations can originate telephone
   calls to and receive telephone calls from wireline telephones through
   the PSTN.

   (c) Construction period for specific facilities. The construction
   period applicable to specific new or modified cellular facilities for
   which a separate authorization is granted is one year, beginning on
   the date the authorization is granted.

   [ 67 FR 9609 , Mar. 4, 2002, as amended at  67 FR 77192 , Dec. 17, 2002]

Goto Section: 21.943 | 21.947

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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