Goto Section: 22.50 | 22.52

FCC 22.51
Revised as of May 5, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  23.51   Addressed program material.


   (a) Stations operating in the fixed public service and in the fixed
   public press service may be authorized to transmit addressed program
   material to a fixed point, or points, outside the 48 contiguous States
   and the District of Columbia, specifically named in the instrument of
   authorization granted to the licensee, intended for broadcast only by
   a broadcast station. Any such authorization shall be subject to the
   condition that no interference is caused to the authorized regular
   service of the station as defined by Sec. 23.8.

   (b) Such stations may also, upon proper application therefor, be
   authorized to transmit addressed program material to any such fixed
   point in South or Central America for simultaneous interception and
   broadcast by a broadcast station at one or more additional points in
   the same general area upon a showing that public message service to
   such fixed point of communication will not be unduly impaired.
   Application for such authority shall be submitted not less than 10
   days prior to the proposed date of the first interception. Such
   application shall show, in addition to the proposed intercept and
   broadcast points, the South or Central American station or stations
   over which the program will be broadcast, a full description of the
   arrangements made for such intercept and broadcast, and the period for
   which such authority is requested. Authorizations will be limited to
   the period for which arrangements for broadcasting by South or Central
   American stations have been made and in no event will extend beyond
   the term of the point-to-point station license.

Goto Section: 22.50 | 22.52

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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