Goto Section: 22.52 | 22.54

FCC 22.53
Revised as of May 5, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  23.53   Addressed press and meteorological services.


   (a) The licensee of a station in the fixed public or fixed public
   press service may be authorized to transmit, without coordinated
   reception, addressed press messages (including press facsimile and
   photographs) and weather maps, charts and photographs for reception at
   overseas or foreign points by meteorological organizations by
   facsimile and radio phototelegraphy, to one or more persons at one or
   more fixed points not specifically named in its license: Provided,
   however, That the licensee, upon institution of addressed press
   service to any point, shall promptly notify the Commission of the

   (1) The name and location of the person subscribing to such service.

   (2) The date of institution of such service, and

   (3) The location of the licensee's station from which such service is

   Any authority, granted under this paragraph, to transmit addressed
   press messages to any person or to any point may be terminated by the
   Commission upon notice to the licensee within 30 days after
   notification of institution of service to such person or point is
   filed by the licensee.

   (b) In the event of the deletion of service to any point or to any
   person or any change with respect to the facts reported under
   paragraph (a) (1) or (3) of this section, the licensee shall promptly
   notify the Commission of such deletion or change and the date thereof.

   (c) On or before the first day of February and the first day of August
   of each year, the licensee shall submit, for each of its stations
   authorized to render addressed press service in accordance with
   provisions of this section, a recapitulative list, as of the first day
   of January and the first day of July respectively of that year,
   containing the following:

   (1) The name and location of each person subscribing to such service,

   (2) The date of institution of such service to each person at each

   [ 28 FR 13032 , Dec. 5, 1963, as amended at  36 FR 2562 , Feb. 6, 1971]

Goto Section: 22.52 | 22.54

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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