Goto Section: 24.243 | 24.247 | Table of Contents

FCC 24.245
Revised as of October 1, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  24.245   Reimbursement under the Cost-Sharing Plan.

   (a) Registration of reimbursement rights. (1) To obtain reimbursement, a PCS
   relocator must submit documentation of the relocation agreement to the
   clearinghouse within ten business days of the date a relocation agreement is
   signed with an incumbent.

   (2) To obtain reimbursement, a voluntarily relocating microwave incumbent
   must submit documentation of the relocation of the link to the clearinghouse
   within ten business days of the date that the incumbent notifies the
   Commission that it intends to discontinue, or has discontinued, the use of
   the link, pursuant to  Sec. 101.305 of the Commission's rules.

   (b) Documentation of expenses. Once relocation occurs, the PCS relocator or
   the voluntarily relocating microwave incumbent, must submit documentation
   itemizing the amount spent for items listed in  Sec. 24.243(b). The voluntarily
   relocating microwave incumbent, must also submit an independent third party
   appraisal of its compensable relocation costs. The appraisal should be based
   on the actual cost of replacing the incumbent's system with comparable
   facilities and should exclude the cost of any equipment upgrades or items
   outside the scope of  Sec. 24.243(b). The PCS relocator or the voluntarily
   relocating microwave incumbent, must identify the particular link associated
   with appropriate expenses (i.e., costs may not be averaged over numerous
   links). If a PCS relocator pays a microwave incumbent a monetary sum to
   relocate its own facilities, the PCS relocator must estimate the costs
   associated with relocating the incumbent by itemizing the anticipated cost
   for items listed in  Sec. 24.243(b). If the sum paid to the incumbent cannot be
   accounted for, the remaining amount is not eligible for reimbursement. A PCS
   relocator may submit receipts or other documentation to the clearinghouse
   for all relocation expenses incurred since April 5, 1995.

   (c) Full Reimbursement. A PCS relocator who relocates a microwave link that
   is either fully outside its market area or its licensed frequency band may
   seek full reimbursement through the clearinghouse of compensable costs, up
   to the reimbursement cap as defined in  Sec. 24.243(b). Such reimbursement will
   not be subject to depreciation under the cost-sharing formula.

   [ 61 FR 29692 , June 12, 1996, as amended at  62 FR 12757 , Mar. 18, 1997;  65 FR 46113 , July 27, 2000]

Goto Section: 24.243 | 24.247

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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