Goto Section: 61.132 | 61.134 | Table of Contents

FCC 61.133
Revised as of October 1, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  61.133   Format of concurrences.

   (a) Concurrences must be issued in the follo_wing format:


   F.C.C. Concurrence No. ____

   (Cancels F.C.C. Concurrence No. __

   (Name of Carrier ______)

   (Post Office Address ______)

   (Date) ___________ 19__.


   Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554.

   This is to report that (name of concurring carrier) assents to and concurs
   in the tariffs described below. (Name of concurring carrier) thus makes
   itself a party to these tariffs and obligates itself (and its connecting
   carriers) to observe every provision in them, until a notice of revocation
   is filed with the Commission and delivered to the issuing carrier.

   This concurrence applies to interstate (and foreign) communication:

   1. Between the different points on the concurring carrier's own system;

   2. Between all points on the concurring carrier's system and the systems of
   its connecting carriers; and

   3. Between all points on the system of the concurring carrier and the
   systems of its connecting carriers on the one hand, and, on the other hand,
   all points on the system of the carrier issuing the tariff or tariffs listed
   below and the systems of its connecting carriers and other carriers with
   which through routes have been established.

   (Note: Any of the above numbered paragraphs may be omitted or the wording
   modified to state the points to which the concurrence applies.)


   (Here describe the tariff or tariffs concurred in by the carrier, specifying
   FCC number, title, date of issuance, and date effective. Example: A.B.C.
   Communications Company, Tariff FCC No. 1, Interstate Telegraph Message
   Service, Issued January 1, 1983, Effective April 1, 1983).

   Cancels FCC Concurrence No.___, effective ____________, 19__.
   (Name of concurring carrier) By (Title) ____________________________________

   (b) No material is to be included in a concurrence other than that indicated
   in the above-prescribed form, unless specially authorized by the Commission.
   A concurrence in any tariff so described will be deemed to include all
   amendments and successive issues which the issuing carrier may make and
   file. All such amendments and successive issues will be binding between
   customers and carriers. Between carriers themselves, however, the filing by
   the issuing carrier of an amendment or successive issue with the Commission
   must not imply or be construed to imply an agreement to the filing by
   concurring carriers. Such filings do not affect the contractual rights or
   remedies of any concurring carrier(s) which have not, by contract or
   otherwise, specifically consented in advance to such amendment or successive

Goto Section: 61.132 | 61.134

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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