Goto Section: 74.1261 | 74.1263 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.1262
Revised as of October 1, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  74.1262   Frequency monitors and measurements.

   (a) The licensee of a station authorized under this subpart is not required
   to provide means for measuring the operating frequency of the transmitter.
   However, only equipment having the required stability will be approved for
   use by an FM translator or booster.

   (b) In the event that a station authorized under this subpart is found to be
   operating beyond the frequency tolerance prescribed in  Sec. 74.1261, the
   licensee shall promptly suspend operation of the station and shall not
   resume operation until the station has been restored to its assigned
   frequency. Adjustment of the frequency determining circuits of an FM
   translator or booster shall be made by a qualified person in accordance with
    Sec. 74.1250(g).

Goto Section: 74.1261 | 74.1263

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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