Goto Section: 74.1269 | 74.1283 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.1281
Revised as of October 1, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  74.1281   Station records.

   (a) The licensee of a station authorized under this Subpart shall maintain
   adequate station records, including the current instrument of authorization,
   official correspondence with the FCC, maintenance records, contracts,
   permission for rebroadcasts, and other pertinent documents.

   (b) Entries required by  Sec. 17.49 of this chapter concerning any observed or
   otherwise known extinguishment or improper functioning of a tower light:

   (1) The nature of such extinguishment or improper functioning.

   (2) The date and time the extinguishment of improper operation was observed
   or otherwise noted.

   (3) The date, time and nature of adjustments, repairs or replacements made.

   (c) The station records shall be maintained for inspection at a residence,
   office, or public building, place of business, or other suitable place, in
   one of the communities of license of the translator or booster, except that
   the station records of a booster or translator licensed to the licensee of
   the primary station may be kept at the same place where the primary station
   records are kept. The name of the person keeping station records, together
   with the address of the place where the records are kept, shall be posted in
   accordance with  Sec. 74.1265(b) of the rules. The station records shall be made
   available upon request to any authorized representative of the Commission.

   (d) Station logs and records shall be retained for a period of two years.

   [ 48 FR 44807 , Sept. 30, 1983]

Goto Section: 74.1269 | 74.1283

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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