Goto Section: 80.383 | 80.387 | Table of Contents

FCC 80.385
Revised as of October 1, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  80.385   Frequencies for automated systems.

   This section describes the carrier frequencies for the Automated Maritime
   Telecommunications System (AMTS) and for other automated multi-station

   (a) Automated Maritime Telecommunications System (AMTS). (1) The Automated
   Maritime Telecommunications System (AMTS) is an integrated and
   interconnected maritime communications system.

   (2) The following carrier frequencies are available for assignment to public
   coast stations for public correspondence communications with ship stations
   and units on land. AMTS operations must not cause harmful interference to
   the U.S. Navy SPASUR system which operates in the band 216.880217.080 MHz.

                                          Carrier frequency (MHz)
           Channel No.                 Ship        Coast
                                    transmit 1    transmit      Group
                                        3           \2\
101..............................  ...........     216.0125  D
102..............................  ...........     216.0375  ...........
103..............................  ...........     216.0625  ...........
104..............................  ...........     216.0875  ...........
105..............................  ...........     216.1125  ...........
106..............................  ...........     216.1375  ...........
107..............................  ...........     216.1625  ...........
108..............................  ...........     216.1875  ...........
109..............................  ...........     216.2125  ...........
110..............................  ...........     216.2375  ...........
111..............................  ...........     216.2625  ...........
112..............................  ...........     216.2875  ...........
113..............................  ...........     216.3125  ...........
114..............................  ...........     216.3375  ...........
115..............................  ...........     216.3625  ...........
116..............................  ...........     216.3875  ...........
117..............................  ...........     216.4125  ...........
118..............................  ...........     216.4375  ...........
119..............................  ...........     216.4625  ...........
120..............................  ...........     216.4875  ...........
121..............................  ...........     216.5125  C
122..............................  ...........     216.5375  ...........
123..............................  ...........     216.5625  ...........
124..............................  ...........     216.5875  ...........
125..............................  ...........     216.6125  ...........
126..............................  ...........     216.6375  ...........
127..............................  ...........     216.6625  ...........
128..............................  ...........     216.6875  ...........
129..............................  ...........     216.7125  ...........
130..............................  ...........     216.7375  ...........
131..............................  ...........     216.7625  ...........
132..............................  ...........     216.7875  ...........
133..............................  ...........     216.8125  ...........
134..............................  ...........     216.8375  ...........
135..............................  ...........     216.8625  ...........
136..............................  ...........     216.8875  ...........
137..............................  ...........     216.9125  ...........
138..............................  ...........     216.9375  ...........
139..............................  ...........     216.9625  ...........
140..............................  ...........     216.9875  ...........
141..............................     219.0125     217.0125  B
142..............................     219.0375     217.0375
143..............................     219.0625     217.0625  ...........
144..............................     219.0875     217.0875  ...........
145..............................     219.1125     217.1125  ...........
146..............................     219.1375     217.1375  ...........
147..............................     219.1625     217.1625  ...........
148..............................     219.1875     217.1875  ...........
149..............................     219.2125     217.2125  ...........
150..............................     219.2375     217.2375
151..............................     219.2625     217.2625  ...........
152..............................     219.2875     217.2875  ...........
153..............................     219.3125     217.3125  ...........
154..............................     219.3375     217.3375  ...........
155..............................     219.3625     217.3625  ...........
156..............................     219.3875     217.3875  ...........
157..............................     219.4125     217.4125  ...........
158..............................     219.4375     217.4375  ...........
159..............................     219.4625     217.4625  ...........
160..............................     219.4875     217.4875  ...........
161..............................     219.5125     217.5125  A
162..............................     219.5375     217.5375
163..............................     219.5625     217.5625  ...........
164..............................     219.5875     217.5875  ...........
165..............................     219.6125     217.6125  ...........
166..............................     219.6375     217.6375  ...........
167..............................     219.6625     217.6625  ...........
168..............................     219.6875     217.6875  ...........
169..............................     219.7125     217.7125  ...........
170..............................     219.7375     217.7375  ...........
171..............................     219.7625     217.7625  ...........
172..............................     219.7875     217.7875  ...........
173..............................     219.8125     217.8125  ...........
174..............................     219.8375     217.8375  ...........
175..............................     219.8625     217.8625  ...........
176..............................     219.8875     217.8875  ...........
177..............................     219.9125     217.9125  ...........
178..............................     219.9375     217.9375  ...........
179..............................     219.9625     217.9625  ...........
180..............................     219.9875     217.9875  ...........
\1\ Ship transmit frequencies in Groups C and D are not authorized for
  AMTS use.
\2\ Coast station operation on frequencies in Groups C and D are not
  currently assignable and are shared on a secondary basis with the Low
  Power Radio Service in part 95 of this chapter. Frequencies in the
  band 216.750-217.000 MHz band are available for low power point-to-
  point network control communications by AMTS coast stations under the
  Low Power Radio Service (LPRS). LPRS operations are subject to the
  conditions that no harmful interference is caused to the United States
  Navy's SPASUR radar system (216.88-217.08 MHz) or to TV reception
  within the Grade B contour of any TV channel 13 station or within the
  68 dBu predicted contour of any low power TV or TV translator station
  operating on channel 13.
\3\ Ship transmit frequencies in Groups A and B are permitted to provide
  mobile-to-mobile communications where the written consent of all
  affected licensees is obtained.

   (3) As listed in the table in this paragraph, AMTS Areas (AMTSAs) are based
   on, and composed of one or more of, the U.S Department of Commerce's 172
   Economic Areas (EAs). See  60 FR 13114  (March 10, 1995). In addition, the
   Commission shall treat Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, and
   the Gulf of Mexico as EA-like areas. The Gulf of Mexico EA extends from 12
   nautical miles off the United States Gulf coast outward into the Gulf. See
    Sec. 27.6(a)(2) of this chapter and  62 FR 9636 . Maps of the EAs and AMTSAs are
   available for public inspection and copying at the Federal Communications
   Commission, Reference Center, 445 12th Street, SW., Room CY  A257,
   Washington, DC 20554. These maps and data are also available on the FCC Web
   site at The Group A and B frequency pairs
   listed in the table in paragraph (a)(2) of this section are available for
   assignment to a single licensee in each of the AMTSAs listed in the table in
   this paragraph. In addition to the listed EAs listed in the table in this
   paragraph, each AMTSA also includes the adjacent waters under the
   jurisdiction of the United States.

                           AMTS areas (AMTSAs)
                  AMTSAs                                EAs
1 (Northern Atlantic)....................  1-5, 10 9, 11-23, 25, 42, 46
2 (Mid-Atlantic).........................  24, 26-34, 37, 38, 40, 41,
3 (Southern Atlantic)....................  35, 36, 39, 43-45, 47-53, 67-
                                            107, 113, 116-120, 122- 125,
                                            127, 130-134, 176 6-8, 54-
                                            66, 108, 109
4 (Mississippi River)....................  160-165 147, 166-170
5 (Great Lakes)..........................  172
6 (Southern Pacific).....................  171 110-112, 114-115, 121,
                                            126, 128, 129, 135-146, 148-
7 (Northern Pacific)
8 (Hawaii)
9 (Alaska)
10 (Mountain)

   (4) Channels in the 219–220 MHz band are also used on a secondary,
   non-interference basis by amateur stations participating in digital message
   forwarding systems. Amateur stations may not cause harmful interference to
   AMTS operations and must accept any harmful interference from AMTS
   operation. Amateur stations within 80 km (50 miles) of an AMTS coast station
   must obtain written approval from the AMTS licensee prior to operating in
   the 219–220 MHz band. Amateur stations within 640 km (398 miles) of an AMTS
   coast station must notify the AMTS licensee in writing at least 30 days
   prior to initiation of operations in the 219–220 MHz band. All amateur
   stations must notify the American Radio Relay League in writing at least 30
   days prior to initiation of operations in the 219–220 MHz band (ARRL, 225
   Main St., Newington, CT 06111–1494).

   (b) Subject to the requirements of  Sec. 1.924 of this chapter,  Sec.  Sec. 80.215(h), and
   80.475(a), each AMTS geographic area licensee may place stations anywhere
   within its region without obtaining prior Commission approval provided:

   (1) The AMTS geographic area licensee must locate its stations at least 120
   kilometers from the stations of co-channel site-based AMTS licensees.
   Shorter separations between such stations will be considered by the
   Commission on a case-by-case basis upon submission of a technical analysis
   indicating that at least 18 dB protection will be provided to a site-based
   licensee's predicted 38 dBu signal level contour. The site-based licensee's
   predicted 38 dBu signal level contour shall be calculated using the F(50,
   50) field strength chart for Channels 7–13 in  Sec. 73.699 (Fig. 10) of this
   chapter, with a 9 dB correction for antenna height differential. The 18 dB
   protection to the site-based licensee's predicted 38 dBu signal level
   contour shall be calculated using the F(50, 10) field strength chart for
   Channels 7–13 in  Sec. 73.699 (Fig. 10a) of this chapter, with a 9 dB correction
   factor for antenna height differential.

   (2) The locations and/or technical parameters of the transmitters are such
   that individual coordination of the channel assignment(s) with a foreign
   administration, under applicable international agreements and rules in this
   part, is not required.

   (3) For any construction or alteration that would exceed the requirements of
    Sec. 17.7 of this chapter, licensees must notify the appropriate Regional Office
   of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA Form 7460–1) and file a request
   for antenna height clearance and obstruction marking and lighting
   specifications (FCC Form 854) with the FCC, Attn: Information Processing
   Branch, 1270 Fairfield Rd., Gettysburg, PA 17325–7245.

   (4) The transmitters must not have a significant environmental effect as
   defined by  Sec.  Sec. 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapter.

   (c) Any recovered frequency blocks will revert automatically to the holder
   of the geographic area license within which such frequencies are included.
   Any frequency blocks recovered where there is no geographic area licensee
   will be retained by the Commission for future licensing.

   (d) Automated multi-station system. Great Lakes Region. The following table
   describes the assignable carrier frequency pairs to provide communication
   services including automated calling, teleprinter and facsimile:

                                     Carrier frequency (MHz)
   Channel designator   ------------------------------------------------
                              Ship transmit           Coast transmit
               17                     None             \1\ 156.850
               84                  157.225                 161.825
               85                  157.275                 161.875
               86                  157.325                 161.925
               87                  157.375                 161.975
\1\ The frequency 156.850 MHz is used only to transmit scheduled weather

   [ 51 FR 31213 , Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at  54 FR 29041 , July 11, 1989;  56 FR 3783 , Jan. 31, 1991;  57 FR 26780 , June 16, 1992;  60 FR 15687 , Mar. 27, 1995;
    61 FR 46566 , Sept. 4, 1996;  67 FR 48565 , July 25, 2002;  69 FR 19948 , Apr.
   15, 2004;  69 FR 44471 , July 26, 2004]

Alaska Fixed Stations

Goto Section: 80.383 | 80.387

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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