Goto Section: 97.3 | 97.7 | Table of Contents

FCC 97.5
Revised as of October 1, 2005
Goto Year:2004 | 2006
Sec.  97.5   Station license required.

   (a) The station apparatus must be under the physical control of a person
   named in an amateur station license grant on the ULS consolidated license
   database or a person authorized for alien reciprocal operation by  Sec. 97.107 of
   this part, before the station may transmit on any amateur service frequency
   from any place that is:

   (1) Within 50 km of the Earth's surface and at a place where the amateur
   service is regulated by the FCC;

   (2) Within 50 km of the Earth's surface and aboard any vessel or craft that
   is documented or registered in the United States; or

   (3) More than 50 km above the Earth's surface aboard any craft that is
   documented or registered in the United States.

   (b) The types of station license grants are:

   (1)  An  operator/primary  station  license  grant. One, but only one,
   operator/primary station license grant may be held by any one person. The
   primary  station license is granted together with the amateur operator
   license. Except for a representative of a foreign government, any person who
   qualifies  by examination is eligible to apply for an operator/primary
   station license grant.

   (2) A club station license grant. A club station license grant may be held
   only by the person who is the license trustee designated by an officer of
   the club. The trustee must be a person who holds an Amateur Extra, Advanced,
   General, Technician Plus, or Technician operator license grant. The club
   must be composed of at least four persons and must have a name, a document
   of  organization, management, and a primary purpose devoted to amateur
   service activities consistent with this part.

   (3) A military recreation station license grant. A military recreation
   station license grant may be held only by the person who is the license
   custodian designated by the official in charge of the United States military
   recreational premises where the station is situated. The person must not be
   a  representative of a foreign government. The person need not hold an
   amateur operator license grant.

   (4) A RACES station license grant. A RACES station license grant may be held
   only by the person who is the license custodian designated by the official
   responsible  for  the governmental agency served by that civil defense
   organization. The custodian must be the civil defense official responsible
   for coordination of all civil defense activities in the area concerned. The
   custodian  must  not  be a representative of a foreign government. The
   custodian need not hold an amateur operator license grant.

   (c) The person named in the station license grant or who is authorized for
   alien reciprocal operation by  Sec. 97.107 of this part may use, in accordance
   with the applicable rules of this part, the transmitting apparatus under the
   physical  control of the person at places where the amateur service is
   regulated by the FCC.

   (d) A CEPT radio-amateur license is issued to the person by the country of
   which the person is a citizen. The person must not:

   (1) Be a resident alien or citizen of the United States, regardless of any
   other citizenship also held;

   (2) Hold an FCC-issued amateur operator license nor reciprocal permit for
   alien amateur licensee;

   (3)  Be  a prior amateur service licensee whose FCC-issued license was
   revoked, suspended for less than the balance of the license term and the
   suspension is still in effect, suspended for the balance of the license term
   and  relicensing  has not taken place, or surrendered for cancellation
   following  notice  of  revocation,  suspension  or monetary forfeiture
   proceedings; or

   (4) Be the subject of a cease and desist order that relates to amateur
   service operation and which is still in effect.

   (e) An IARP is issued to the person by the country of which the person is a
   citizen. The person must not:

   (1) Be a resident alien or citizen of the United States, regardless of any
   other citizenship also held;

   (2) Hold an FCC-issued amateur operator license nor reciprocal permit for
   alien amateur licensee;

   (3)  Be  a prior amateur service licensee whose FCC-issued license was
   revoked, suspended for less than the balance of the license term and the
   suspension is still in effect, suspended for the balance of the license term
   and  relicensing  has not taken place, or surrendered for cancellation
   following  notice  of  revocation,  suspension  or monetary forfeiture
   proceedings; or

   (4) Be the subject of a cease and desist order that relates to amateur
   service operation and which is still in effect.

   [ 59 FR 54831 , Nov. 2, 1994, as amended at  62 FR 17567 , Apr. 10, 1997;  63 FR 68977 , Dec. 14, 1998]

Goto Section: 97.3 | 97.7

Goto Year: 2004 | 2006
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