Goto Section: 3.27 | 3.29 | Table of Contents

FCC 3.28
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  3.28   Denial of privilege.

   (a)  The  Commission,  in  its sole discretion, may refuse to grant an
   application to become an accounting authority for any of the following

   (1) Failure to provide evidence of acceptable financial responsibility;

   (2) If the applicant, in the opinion of the FCC reviewing official, does not
   possess  the  qualifications necessary to the proper functioning of an
   accounting authority;

   (3) Application is not personally signed by the proper official(s);

   (4) Applicant does not provide evidence that accounting operations will take
   place in the United States or its territories and the applicant does not
   already possess an AAIC issued by another administration;

   (5) Application is incomplete, the applicant fails to provide additional
   information requested by the Commission or the applicant indicates that it
   cannot meet a particular provision; or

   (6) When the Commission determines that the grant of an authorization is
   contrary to the public interest.

   (b)  These  rules  provide  sufficient  latitude to address defects in
   applications. Entities seeking review should follow procedures set forth in
    Sec. 1.106 or  Sec. 1.115 of this chapter.

Goto Section: 3.27 | 3.29

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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