Goto Section: 76.1622 | 76.1701 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.1700
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  76.1700   Records to be maintained by cable system operators.

   (a) Recordkeeping requirements. The operator of every cable television
   system having fewer than 1,000 subscribers is exempt from the public
   inspection requirements contained in  Sec. 76.1701 (political file);  Sec. 76.1715
   (sponsorship identification);  Sec. 76.1702 (EEO records available for public
   inspection);  Sec. 76.1703 (commercial records for children's programming);
    Sec. 76.1704 (proof-of-performance test data); and  Sec. 76.1706 (signal leakage logs
   and repair records). The operator of every cable television system having
   1000 or more subscribers but fewer than 5000 subscribers shall, upon
   request, provide the information required by  Sec. 76.1715 (sponsorship
   identification);  Sec. 76.1702 (EEO records available for public inspection);
    Sec. 76.1703 (commercial records for children's programming);  Sec. 76.1704
   (proof-of-performance test data); and  Sec. 76.1706 (signal leakage logs and
   repair records) but shall maintain for public inspection a file containing a
   copy of all records required to be kept by  Sec. 76.1701 (political file). The
   operator of every cable television system having 5000 or more subscribers
   shall maintain for public inspection a file containing a copy of all records
   which are required to be kept by  Sec. 76.1701 (political file);  Sec. 76.1715
   (sponsorship identification);  Sec. 76.1702 (EEO records available for public
   inspection);  Sec. 76.1703 (commercial records for children's programming);
    Sec. 76.1704 (proof-of-performance test data); and  Sec. 76.1706 (signal leakage logs
   and repair records).

   (1)–(2) [Reserved]

   (b) Location of records. The public inspection file shall be maintained at
   the office which the system operator maintains for the ordinary collection
   of subscriber charges, resolution of subscriber complaints, and other
   business or at any accessible place in the community served by the system
   unit(s) (such as a public registry for documents or an attorney's office).
   The public inspection file shall be available for public inspection at any
   time during regular business hours.

   (c) All or part of the public inspection file may be maintained in a
   computer database, as long as a computer terminal is made available, at the
   location of the file, to members of the public who wish to review the file.

   (d) The records specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be retained
   for the period specified in  Sec.  Sec. 76.1701, 76.1702, 76.1704(a), and 76.1706,

   (e) Reproduction of records. Copies of any material in the public inspection
   file shall be available for machine reproduction upon request made in
   person, provided the requesting party shall pay the reasonable cost of
   reproduction. Requests for machine copies shall be fulfilled at a location
   specified by the system operator, within a reasonable period of time, which
   in no event shall be longer than seven days. The system operator is not
   required to honor requests made by mail but may do so if it chooses.

   [ 65 FR 53621 , Sept. 5, 2000, as amended at  66 FR 67117 , Dec. 28, 2001;  67 FR 1650 , Jan. 14, 2002]

Goto Section: 76.1622 | 76.1701

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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