Goto Section: 95.1401 | 95.1501 | Table of Contents

FCC 95.1402
Revised as of October 1, 2006
Goto Year:2005 | 2007
Sec.  95.1402   Special requirements for 406 MHz PLBs.

   (a) All 406 MHz PLBs must meet all the technical and performance standards
   contained in the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime (RTCM) Service
   document “RTCM Recommended Standards for 406 MHz Satellite Personal Locator
   Beacons (PLBs),” Version 1.1, RTCM Paper 76–2002/SC110–STD, dated June 19,
   2002. This RTCM document is incorporated by reference in accordance with 5
   U.S.C. 552(a), and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the document are available and
   may be obtained from the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services,
   1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600, Alexandria, Virginia 22314–2840. The document
   is available for inspection at Commission headquarters at 445 12th Street
   SW., Washington, DC 20554. Copies may also be inspected at the National
   Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the
   availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to:

   (b) The 406 MHz PLB must contain, as an integral part, a homing beacon
   operating only on 121.500 MHz and meeting all requirements described in the
   RTCM Recommended Standards document described in paragraph (a) of this
   section. The 121.500 MHz homing beacon must have a continuous duty cycle
   that can be interrupted only during the transmission of the 406 MHz signal.
   The 406 MHz PLB shall transmit a unique identifier (Morse code “P”) on the
   121.500 MHz signals.

   (c) Before a 406 MHz PLB certification application is submitted to the
   Commission, the applicant must have obtained certification from a test
   facility, recognized by one of the COSPAS/SARSAT Partners that the PLB
   satisfies the standards contained in the COSPAS/SARSAT document
   COSPAS/SARSAT 406 MHz Distress Beacon Type Approval Standard (C/S T.007).
   Additionally, an independent test facility must certify that the PLB
   complies with the electrical and environmental standards associated with the
   RTCM Recommended Standards.

   (d) The procedures of Notification by the equipment manufacturer and
   Certification from either the Commission or designated Telecommunications
   Certification Body are contained in subpart J of part 2 of this chapter.

   (e) An identification code, issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
   Administration (NOAA), the United States Program Manager for the 406 MHz
   COSPAS/SARSAT satellite system, must be programmed in each PLB unit to
   establish a unique identification for each PLB station. With each marketable
   PLB unit, the manufacturer or grantee must include a postage pre-paid
   registration card printed with the PLB identification code addressed to:
   SARSAT Beacon Registration, NOAA, NESDIS, E/SP3, Room 3320, FB–4, 5200 Auth
   Road, Suitland, Maryland 20746–4303. The registration card must request the
   owner's name, address, telephone number, alternate emergency contact and
   include the following statement: “WARNING” failure to register this PLB with
   NOAA could result in a monetary forfeiture order being issued to the

   (f) To enhance protection of life and property, it is mandatory that each
   406 MHz PLB be registered with NOAA and that information be kept up-to-date.
   In addition to the identification plate or label requirements contained in
    Sec.  Sec. 2.925 and 2.926 of this chapter, each 406 MHz PLB must be provided on the
   outside with a clearly discernable permanent plate or label containing the
   following statement: “The owner of this 406 MHz PLB must register the NOAA
   identification code contained on this label with the National Oceanic and
   Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) whose address is: SARSAT Beacon
   Registration, NOAA, NESDIS, E/SP3, Room 3320, FB–4, 5200 Auth Road,
   Suitland, Maryland 20746–4303.” Owners shall advise NOAA in writing upon
   change of PLB ownership, or any other change in registration information.
   NOAA will provide registrants with proof of registration and change of
   registration postcards.

   (g) For 406 MHz PLBs with identification codes that can be changed after
   manufacture, the identification code shown on the plate or label must be
   easily replaceable using commonly available tools.

Subpart L—Dedicated Short-Range Communications Service On-Board Units

   Source:    69 FR 46446 , Aug. 3, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

Goto Section: 95.1401 | 95.1501

Goto Year: 2005 | 2007
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