Goto Section: 17.23 | 17.27 | Table of Contents

FCC 17.25
Revised as of October 1, 2008
Goto Year:2007 | 2009
  Sec.  15.25   Kits.

   A TV interface device, including a cable system terminal device, which is
   marketed as a kit shall comply with the following requirements:

   (a)  All  parts  necessary for the assembled device to comply with the
   technical  requirements of this part must be supplied with the kit. No
   mechanism  for adjustment that can cause operation in violation of the
   requirements of this part shall be made accessible to the builder.

   (b) At least two units of the kit shall be assembled in exact accordance
   with the instructions supplied with the product to be marketed. If all
   components required to fully complete the kit (other than those specified in
   paragraph (a) of this section which are needed for compliance with the
   technical provisions and must be included with the kit) are not normally
   furnished  with  the kit, assembly shall be made using the recommended
   components. The assembled units shall be certified or authorized under the
   Declaration  of  Conformity procedure, as appropriate, pursuant to the
   requirements of this part.

   (1) The measurement data required for a TV interface device subject to
   certification shall be obtained for each of the two units and submitted with
   an application for certification pursuant to subpart J of part 2 of this

   (2) The measurement data required for a TV interface device subject to
   Declaration  of  Conformity shall be obtained for the units tested and
   retained on file pursuant to the provisions of subpart J of part 2 of this

   (c) A copy of the exact instructions that will be provided for assembly of
   the device shall be submitted with an application for certification. Those
   parts which are not normally furnished shall be detailed in the application
   for equipment authorization.

   (d) In lieu of the label required by  Sec. 15.19, the following label, along with
   the label bearing the FCC identifier and other information specified in
    Sec.  Sec. 2.925 and 2.926, shall be included in the kit with instructions to the
   builder that it shall be attached to the completed kit:

   (Name of Grantee)

   (FCC Identifier)

   This device can be expected to comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules provided
   it is assembled in exact accordance with the instructions provided with this
   kit. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may
   not  cause  harmful  interference, and (2) this device must accept any
   interference  received including interference that may cause undesired

   (e) For the purpose of this section, circuit boards used as repair parts for
   the replacement of electrically identical defective circuit boards are not
   considered to be kits.

   [ 54 FR 17714 , Apr. 25, 1989,as amended at  63 FR 36602 , July 7, 1998]

Goto Section: 17.23 | 17.27

Goto Year: 2007 | 2009
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