Goto Section: 101.407 | 101.411 | Table of Contents

FCC 101.409
Revised as of December 4, 2012
Goto Year:2011 | 2013
  §  101.409   Terms of grant; general limitations.

   (a) Developmental authorizations normally will be issued for one year,
   or such shorter term as the Commission may deem appropriate in any
   particular case, and will be subject to cancellation without hearing by
   the Commission at any time upon notice to the licensee.

   (b) Where some phases of the developmental program are not covered by
   the general rules of the Commission or by the rules of this part, the
   Commission may specify supplemental or additional requirements or
   conditions in each case as it may deem necessary in the public
   interest, convenience or necessity.

   (c) Frequencies allocated to the service toward which such development
   is directed will be assigned for developmental operation on the basis
   that no interference will be caused to the regular services of stations
   operating in accordance with the Commission's Table of Frequency
   Allocations (§  2.106 of this chapter).

   (d) The rendition of communication service for hire is not permitted
   under any developmental authorizations unless specifically authorized
   by the Commission.

   (e) The grant of a developmental authorization carries with it no
   assurance that the developmental program, if successful, will be
   authorized on a permanent basis either as to the service involved or
   the use of the frequencies assigned or any other frequencies.

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Goto Section: 101.407 | 101.411

Goto Year: 2011 | 2013
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