Goto Section: 0.17 | 0.31 | Table of Contents

FCC 0.21
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  ยง 0.21   Functions of the Office.

   The Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis, as a staff office to
   the Commission, assists, advises and makes recommendations to the Commission
   with  respect  to the development and implementation of communications
   policies  in  all  areas of Commission authority and responsibility. A
   principal function of the Office is to conduct independent policy analyses
   to  assess the long-term effects of alternative Commission policies on
   domestic and international communication industries and services, with due
   consideration of the responsibilities and programs of other staff units, and
   to recommend appropriate Commission action. The Office is also responsible
   for coordinating the policy research and development activities of other
   staff  units,  with  special concern for matters which transcend their
   individual  areas  of responsibility. The Office is composed of legal,
   engineering, economic, and sociological policy analysts and other personnel,
   and is headed by a chief having the following duties and responsibilities:

   (a) To identify and define significant communications policy issues in all
   areas of Commission interest and responsibility;

   (b) To conduct technical, economic, and sociological impact studies of
   existing and proposed communications policies and operations, including
   cooperative studies with other staff units and consultant and contract
   efforts as appropriate;

   (c) To develop and evaluate alternative policy options and approaches for
   consideration by the Commission;

   (d) To review and comment on all significant actions proposed to be taken by
   the Commission in terms of their overall policy implications;

   (e) To recommend and evaluate governmental (state and federal), academic,
   and industry sponsored research affecting Commission policy issues;

   (f) To prepare briefings, position papers, proposed Commission actions, or
   other agenda items as appropriate;

   (g) To manage the Commission's policy research program, recommend budget
   levels and priorities for this program, and serve as central account manager
   for all contractual policy research studies funded by the Commission;

   (h) To coordinate the formation and presentation of Commission positions in
   communications policy; represent the Commission at appropriate discussions
   and conferences.

   (i) Develop and recommend procedures and plans for the effective handling of
   policy issues within the Commission.

   (j) To help ensure that FCC policy encourages and promotes competitive
   market  structures by providing bureaus and offices with the necessary
   support to identify, evaluate, and effectively and consistently resolve
   competitiveness issues.

   [ 38 FR 17005 , June 28, 1973, as amended at  45 FR 25400 , Apr. 15, 1980;  51 FR 12615 , Apr. 14, 1986;  60 FR 5323 , Jan. 27, 1995;  64 FR 5950 , Feb. 8, 1999;
    68 FR 11747 , Mar. 12, 2003]

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Office of Engineering and Technology

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Goto Section: 0.17 | 0.31

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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