Goto Section: 25.137 | 25.139 | Table of Contents

FCC 25.138
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  § 25.138   Licensing requirements for GSO FSS Earth Stations in the 18.3-18.8
GHz (space-to-Earth), 19.7-20.2 GHz (space-to-Earth), 28.35-28.6 GHz
(Earth-to-space), and 29.25-30.0 GHz (Earth-to-space) bands.

   (a) Applications for earth station licenses in the GSO FSS in the 18.3-18.8
   GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz, 28.35-28.6 GHz, and 29.25-30.0 GHz bands that indicate
   that the following requirements will be met and include the information
   required by paragraph (d) of this section will be routinely processed:

   (1)  GSO  FSS earth station antenna off-axis EIRP spectral density for
   co-polarized signals shall not exceed the following values, within ±3�° of
   the GSO arc, under clear sky conditions:
   18.5-25log(θ)-10log(N) dBW/40kHz for 2.0�° ≤θ ≤7�°
   −2.63-10log(N)         dBW/40kHz for 7�° ≤θ ≤9.23�°
   21.5-25log(θ)-10log(N) dBW/40kHz for 9.23�° ≤θ ≤48�°
   −10.5-10log(N)         dBW/40kHz for 48�° <θ ≤180�°


   θ is the angle in degrees from the axis of the main lobe; for systems where
   more than one earth station is expected to transmit simultaneously in the
   same bandwidth, e.g., CDMA systems,

   N is the likely maximum number of simultaneously transmitting co-frequency
   earth stations in the receive beam of the satellite; N = 1 for TDMA and FDMA

   (2)  GSO  FSS earth station antenna off-axis EIRP spectral density for
   co-polarized  signals  shall  not exceed the following values, for all
   directions other than within ±3�° of the GSO arc, under clear sky conditions:
   21.5-25log(θ)-10log(N) dBW/40kHz for 3.5�° ≤θ ≤7�°
   0.37-10log(N)          dBW/40kHz for 7�° <θ ≤9.23�°
   24.5-25log(θ)-10log(N) dBW/40kHz for 9.23�° <θ ≤48�°
   −7.5-10log(N)          dBW/40kHz for 48�° <θ ≤180�°


   θ: is the angle in degrees from the axis of the main lobe; for systems where
   more than one earth station is expected to transmit simultaneously in the
   same bandwidth, e.g., CDMA systems.

   N: is the likely maximum number of simultaneously transmitting co-frequency
   earth stations in the receive beam of the satellite; N = 1 for TDMA and FDMA

   (3) The values given in paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section may be
   exceeded by 3 dB, for values of θ >10�°, provided that the total angular
   range over which this occurs does not exceed 20�° when measured along both
   sides of the GSO arc.

   (4)  GSO  FSS earth station antenna off-axis EIRP spectral density for
   cross-polarized  signals shall not exceed the following values, in all
   directions relative to the GSO arc, under clear sky conditions:
   8.5-25log(θ)-10log(N) dBW/40 kHz For 2.0�° <θ ≤7.0�°
   −12.63-10log(N)       dBW/40 kHz For 7.0�° <θ ≤9.23�°

   where θ is the angle in degrees from the axis of the main lobe. For systems
   where more than one earth station is expected to transmit simultaneously in
   the same bandwidth, e.g., CDMA systems, N is the likely maximum number of
   simultaneously transmitting co-frequency earth stations in the receive beam
   of the satellite. N = 1 for TDMA and FDMA systems.

   (5) [Reserved]

   (6) Power flux-density (PFD) at the Earth's surface produced by emissions
   from a space station for all conditions, including clear sky, and for all
   methods  of modulation shall not exceed a level of −118 dBW/m2/MHz, in
   addition to the limits specified in § 25.208 (d).

   (b) An applicant proposing levels in excess of those specified in paragraph
   (a) of this section must certify that operators of all co-frequency GSO FSS
   space  stations within 6 degrees of the proposed satellite point(s) of
   communication are aware of the applicant's proposal to operate with the
   higher power densities and have stated that they have no objection to such

   (c) Licensees authorized pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall
   bear the burden of coordinating with any future applicants or licensees
   whose proposed compliant operations at 6 degrees or smaller orbital spacing,
   as defined by paragraph (a) of this section, is potentially or actually
   adversely affected by the operation of the non-compliant licensee. If no
   good faith agreement can be reached, however, the non-compliant licensee
   shall reduce its earth station and space station power density levels to be
   compliant with those specified in paragraph (a) of this section.

   (d)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the applicant
   must provide, for each earth station antenna type, a series of radiation
   patterns  measured  on  a production antenna. The measurements must be
   performed on a calibrated antenna range and, at a minimum, must be made at
   the bottom, middle, and top frequencies of each requested uplink band. The
   radiation patterns are:

   (i)  Co-polarized patterns in the E- and H-planes for linear-polarized
   antennas or in two orthogonal planes for circularly-polarized antennas:

   (A) In the azimuth plane, plus and minus 10 degrees and plus and minus 180
   degrees from beam peak.

   (B) In the elevation plane, 0 to 30 degrees.

   (ii) Cross-polarization patterns in the E- and H-planes for linear-polarized
   antennas or in two orthogonal planes for circularly-polarized antennas, plus
   and minus 10 degrees from beam peak.

   (iii) Main beam gain.

   (2) For antennas more than 3 meters in diameter that will only be assembled
   on-site, on-site measurements may be submitted. If on-site data is to be
   submitted, the test frequencies and number of patterns should follow, where
   possible, the requirements in paragraph (d)(1) of this section for at least
   one  frequency.  Certification  that  the  on-site  testing  has  been
   satisfactorily performed must be included with the certification filed
   pursuant to § 25.133(b).

   (e) Protection of downlink reception from adjacent satellite interference is
   based on either the antenna performance specified in § 25.209 (a) and (b), or
   the  actual  receiving  earth  station  antenna performance, if actual
   performance provides greater isolation from adjacent satellite interference.
   For purposes of ensuring the correct level of protection, the applicant must
   provide, for each earth station antenna type, antenna performance plots for
   the  18.3-18.8 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz bands in the format prescribed in
   paragraph (d) of this section.

   (f)  The  holder of a blanket license pursuant to this section will be
   responsible for operation of any transceiver to receive service provided by
   that licensee or provided by another party with the blanket licensee's
   consent. Space station operators may not transmit communications to or from
   user transceivers in the United States in the 18.3-18.8 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz,
   28.35-28.6  GHz, or 29.25-30.0 GHz band unless such communications are
   authorized under an FCC earth station license.

   (g) A licensee applying for renewal of a license issued pursuant to this
   section  must specify on FCC Form 312R the number of constructed earth

   [ 65 FR 54169 , Sept. 7, 2000, as amended at  66 FR 63515 , Dec. 7, 2001;  68 FR 16966 , Apr. 8, 2003;  69 FR 5710 , Feb. 6, 2004;  73 FR 70900 , Nov. 24, 2008;
    79 FR 8319 , Feb. 12, 2014]

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Goto Section: 25.137 | 25.139

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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