Goto Section: 3.28 | 3.40 | Table of Contents

FCC 3.29
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  ยง 3.29   Notifications.

   (a) The Commission will publish the name of an applicant in a Public Notice
   before granting certification and will invite informal public comment on the
   qualifications  of the applicant from any interested parties. Comments
   received will be taken into consideration by the Commission in making its
   determination  as  to whether to approve an applicant as an accounting
   authority. Thirty days will be allowed for submission of comments.

   (b) The Commission will notify each applicant in writing as to whether the
   applicant has been approved as an accounting authority. If the application
   is  not approved, the Commission will provide a brief statement of the
   grounds for denial.

   (c) The names and addresses of all newly certified accounting authorities
   will be published in a Public Notice issued by the Commission. Additionally,
   the Commission will notify the ITU within 30 days of any changes to its
   approved list of accounting authorities.

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Goto Section: 3.28 | 3.40

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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