Goto Section: 63.65 | 63.71 | Table of Contents

FCC 63.66
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  ยง 63.66   Closure of or reduction of hours of service at telephone exchanges at
military establishments.

   Where a carrier desires to close or reduce hours of service at a telephone
   exchange located at a military establishment because of the deactivation of
   such establishment, it may, in lieu of filing formal application, file in
   quintuplicate an informal request. Such request shall make reference to this
   section and shall set forth the class of office, address, date of proposed
   closure or reduction, description of service to remain or be substituted,
   statement as to any difference in charges to the public, and the reasons for
   the proposed closure or reduction. Authority for such closure or reduction
   shall be deemed to have been granted by the Commission, effective as of the
   15th day following the date of filing of such request, unless, on or before
   the 15th day, the Commission shall notify the carrier to the contrary.

   [ 45 FR 6585 , Jan. 29, 1980]

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Goto Section: 63.65 | 63.71

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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