Goto Section: 69.705 | 69.709 | Table of Contents
FCC 69.707
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 |
ยง 69.707 Geographic scope of petition.
(a) MSA. (1) A price cap LEC filing a petition for pricing flexibility in an
MSA shall include data sufficient to support its petition, as set forth in
this subpart, disaggregated by MSA.
(2) A price cap LEC may request pricing flexibility for two or more MSAs in
a single petition, provided that it submits supporting data disaggregated by
(b) Non-MSA. (1) A price cap LEC will receive pricing flexibility with
respect to those parts of a study area that fall outside of any MSA,
provided that it provides data sufficient to support a finding that
competitors have collocated in a number of wire centers in that non-MSA
region sufficient to satisfy the criteria for the pricing flexibility sought
in the petition, as set forth in this subpart, if the region at issue were
an MSA.
(2) The petitioner may aggregate data for all the non-MSA regions in a
single study area for which it requests pricing flexibility in its petition.
(3) A petitioner may request pricing flexibility in the non-MSA regions of
two or more of its study areas, provided that it submits supporting data
disaggregated by study area.
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Goto Section: 69.705 | 69.709
Goto Year: 2014 |
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