Goto Section: 73.4104 | 73.4108 | Table of Contents

FCC 73.4107
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  ยง 73.4107   FM broadcast assignments, increasing availability of.

   (a)  See, First Report and Order MM Docket 84-231, FCC 84-640, adopted
   December 19, 1984. 100 FCC 2d 1332;  50 FR 3514 , January 25, 1994.

   (b) See, Second Report and Order, MM Docket 84-231, FCC 85-124, adopted
   March 14, 1985. 101 FCC 2d 630;  50 FR 15558 , April 19, 1985.

   (c) See, Memorandum Opinion and Order, MM Docket 84-231, FCC 86-76, adopted
   February 10, 1986.  51 FR 9210 , March 18, 1986.

   (d) See Public Notice,  51 FR 26009 , July 18, 1986.

   [ 51 FR 26251 , July 22, 1986, as amended at  52 FR 11656 , Apr. 10, 1987;  59 FR 52086 , Oct. 14, 1994]

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Goto Section: 73.4104 | 73.4108

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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