Goto Section: 74.23 | 74.25 | Table of Contents

FCC 74.24
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  § 74.24   Short-term operation.

   All classes of broadcast auxiliary stations provided for in subparts D, E, F
   and H of this part, except wireless video assist devices, may be operated on
   a short-term basis under the authority conveyed by a part 73 license or a
   broadcast  auxiliary license without prior authorization from the FCC,
   subject to the following conditions:

   (a) Licensees operating under this provision must be eligible to operate the
   particular class of broadcast auxiliary station.

   (b)  The  short-term  broadcast auxiliary station shall be operated in
   conformance with all normally applicable regulations to the extent they are
   not superceded by specific provisions of this section.

   (c)  Short-term operation is on a secondary, non-interference basis to
   regularly authorized stations and shall be discontinued immediately upon
   notification that perceptible interference is being caused to the operation
   of a regularly authorized station. Short-term station operators shall, to
   the extent practicable, use only the effective radiated power and antenna
   height necessary for satisfactory system performance.

   (d) Short-term operation under this section shall not exceed 720 hours
   annually per frequency.

   Note to paragraph (d): Certain frequencies shared with other services which
   are normally available for permanent broadcast auxiliary station assignment
   may not be available for short-term operation. Refer to any note(s) which
   may be applicable to the use of a specific frequency prior to initiating

   (e) The antenna height of a station operated pursuant to this section shall
   not increase the height of any man-made antenna supporting structure, or
   increase by more than 6.1 meters (20 feet) the height of any other type of
   man-made structure or natural formation. However, the facilities of an
   authorized broadcast auxiliary station belonging to another licensee may be
   operated in accordance with the terms of its outstanding authorization.

   (f) Stations operated pursuant to this section shall be identified by the
   transmission of the call sign of the associated part 73 broadcast station or
   broadcast  auxiliary  station, or, in the case of stations operated by
   broadcast  network and cable network entities, by the network or cable
   entity's name and base of operations city.

   (g) Prior to operating pursuant to the provisions of this section, licensees
   shall,  for  the  intended  location  or area-of-operation, notify the
   appropriate frequency coordination committee or any licensee(s) assigned the
   use of the proposed operating frequency, concerning the particulars of the
   intended operation and shall provide the name and telephone number of a
   person who may be contacted in the event of interference. Except as provided
   herein, this notification provision shall not apply where an unanticipated
   need  for  immediate  short-term mobile station operation would render
   compliance with the provisions of this paragraph impractical.

   (1) A CARS licensee shall always be given advance notification prior to the
   commencement  of  short-term  operation  on or adjacent to an assigned

   (2) The Commission may designate a frequency coordinator as the single point
   of contact under this section for advance coordination of major national and
   international events. Once designated, all short-term auxiliary broadcast
   use under this section must be coordinated in advance through the designated

   (i) Coordinators under this provision will not be designated unless the
   Commission  receives  an  initial  request, in writing, to designate a

   (ii) The Commission will issue a Public Notice with information regarding
   the designation of such a coordinator.

   (iii) All coordination must be done on a non-discriminatory basis.

   (iv)  All licensees must abide by the decision of the coordinator. The
   Commission will be the final arbiter of any disputes.

   (3) An unanticipated need will never be deemed to exist for a scheduled
   event, such as a convention, sporting event, etc.

   (h) Short-term operation is limited to areas south or west of the United
   States-Canada border as follows:

   (1) Use of broadcast auxiliary service frequencies below 470 MHz is limited
   to areas of the United States south of Line A or west of Line C unless the
   effective radiated power of the station is 5 watts or less. See § 1.928(e) of
   this chapter for a definition of Line A and Line C.

   (2) A broadcast auxiliary service station operating on frequencies between
   470 MHz and 1 GHz must be at least 56.3 kilometers (35 miles) south (or
   west, as appropriate of the United States-Canada border if the antenna looks
   within a 200�° sector toward the border; or, the station must be at least 8.1
   kilometers (5 miles) south (or west, as appropriate) if the antenna looks
   within  a  160�° sector away from the border. However, operation is not
   permitted in either of these two situations if the station would be within
   the coordination distance of a receiving earth station in Canada which uses
   the  same  frequency band. (The coordination distance is the distance,
   calculated for any station, according to Appendix 28 of the International
   Radio Regulations.)

   (3) A broadcast auxiliary service station operating on frequencies above 1
   GHz shall not be located within the coordination distance of a receiving
   earth  station  in  Canada  which  uses  the same frequency band. (The
   coordination distance is the distance, calculated for any station, according
   to Appendix 28 of the international Radio Regulations.)

   (i) Short-term operation of a remote pickup broadcast base station, a remote
   pickup automatic relay station, an aural broadcast STL station, an aural
   broadcast intercity relay station, a TV STL station, a TV intercity relay
   station or a TV translator relay station in the National Radio Quiet Zone,
   the Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone, or near FCC monitoring stations is
   subject to the same advance notification procedures applicable to regular
   applications as provided for in § 73.1030 of this chapter and § 74.12, except
   that  inasmuch as short-term operation does not involve an application
   process, the provisions relating to agency objection procedures shall not
   apply.  It  shall  simply be necessary for the licensee to contact the
   potentially affected agency and obtain advance approval for the proposed
   short-term  operation.  Where protection to FCC monitoring stations is
   concerned, approval for short-term operation may be given by the Regional
   Director of a Commission field facility.

   (j)(1) This paragraph applies only to operations which will transmit on
   frequencies under 15 GHz. Prior to commencing short-term operation of a
   remote pickup broadcast station, a remote pickup automatic relay station, an
   aural broadcast STL station, an aural broadcast intercity relay station, a
   TV STL station, a TV intercity relay station, a TV translator relay station,
   a TV pickup station, or a TV microwave booster station within the 4-mile
   (6.4 kilometer) radius Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Protection Zone (centered
   on  NAD-83  Geographical Coordinates North Latitude 18�°20′38.28″, West
   Longitude 66�°45′09.42″), an applicant must notify the Arecibo Observatory,
   located  near  Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Operations within the Puerto Rico
   Coordination Zone (i.e., on the islands of Puerto Rico, Desecheo, Mona,
   Vieques, or Culebra), but outside the Protection Zone, whether short term or
   long term, shall provide notification to the Arecibo Observatory prior to
   commencing operation. Notification should be directed to the following:
   Interference Office, Arecibo Observatory, HC3 Box 53995, Arecibo, Puerto
   Rico 00612, Tel. (809) 878-2612, Fax (809) 878-1861, E-mail

   (2) Notification of short-term operations may be provided by telephone, fax,
   or electronic mail. The notification for long-term operations shall be
   written or electronic, and shall set forth the technical parameters of the
   proposed station, including the geographical coordinates of the antenna
   (NAD-83  datum),  antenna height above ground, ground elevation at the
   antenna, antenna directivity and gain, proposed frequency and FCC Rule Part,
   type of emission, effective radiated power, and whether the proposed use is
   itinerant. Applicants may wish to consult interference guidelines, which
   will be provided by Cornell University. In addition, the applicant shall
   indicate in its application to the Commission the date notification was made
   to  the  Observatory.  Generally, submission of the information in the
   technical portion of the FCC license application is adequate notification.
   After  receipt  of  such applications in non-emergency situations, the
   Commission  will allow the Arecibo Observatory a period of 20 days for
   comments  or objections in response to the notification indicated. The
   applicant will be required to make reasonable efforts in order to resolve or
   mitigate any potential interference problem with the Arecibo Observatory and
   to  file  either  an  amendment  to  the application or a modification
   application, as appropriate. If the Commission determines that an applicant
   has satisfied its responsibility to make reasonable efforts to protect the
   Observatory from interference, its application may be granted. In emergency
   situations in which prior notification or approval is not practicable,
   notification or approval must be accomplished as soon as possible after
   operations begin.

   (Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1032; 47 U.S.C. 158, 303)

   [ 47 FR 9219 , Mar. 4, 1982, as amended at  49 FR 34356 , Aug. 30, 1984;  50 FR 23709 , June 5, 1985;  62 FR 55532 , Oct. 27, 1997;  68 FR 12762 , Mar. 17, 2003;
    70 FR 31373 , June 1, 2005;  80 FR 53751 , Sept. 8, 2015]

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Goto Section: 74.23 | 74.25

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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