Goto Section: 76.1202 | 76.1204 | Table of Contents

FCC 76.1203
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 | 2016
  ยง 76.1203   Incidence of harm.

   A multichannel video programming distributor may restrict the attachment or
   use of navigation devices with its system in those circumstances where
   electronic or physical harm would be caused by the attachment or operation
   of such devices or such devices that assist or are intended or designed to
   assist in the unauthorized receipt of service. Such restrictions may be
   accomplished  by publishing and providing to subscribers standards and
   descriptions of devices that may not be used with or attached to its system.
   Such standards shall foreclose the attachment or use only of such devices as
   raise reasonable and legitimate concerns of electronic or physical harm or
   theft of service. In any situation where theft of service or harm occurs or
   is likely to occur, service may be discontinued.

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Goto Section: 76.1202 | 76.1204

Goto Year: 2014 | 2016
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