Goto Section: 80.322 | 80.324 | Table of Contents
FCC 80.323
Revised as of October 2, 2015
Goto Year:2014 |
ยง 80.323 Information furnished by an acknowledging station.
(a) Every mobile station which acknowledges receipt of a distress message
must on the order of the master or person responsible for the ship,
aircraft, or other vehicle carrying such mobile station, transmit as soon as
possible the following information in the order shown:
(1) Its identifier;
(2) Its position;
(3) The speed at which it is proceeding towards, and the approximate time it
will take to reach the mobile station in distress.
(b) Before sending this message, the station must ensure that it will not
interfere with the emissions of other stations better situated to render
immediate assistance to the station in distress.
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Goto Section: 80.322 | 80.324
Goto Year: 2014 |
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