Goto Section: 90.617 | 90.621 | Table of Contents
FCC 90.619
Revised as of October 1, 2016
Goto Year:2015 |
§ 90.619 Operations within the U.S./Mexico and U.S./Canada border areas.
(a) Use of frequencies in 800 MHz band in Mexico border region. All
operations in the 806-824/851-869 MHz band within 110 km (68.35 miles)
of the U.S./Mexico border (“Sharing Zone”) shall be in accordance with
international agreements between the U.S. and Mexico.
(1) The U.S. and Mexico divide primary access to channels in the
Sharing Zone as indicated in Table A1 below.
Table A1—U.S. and Mexico Primary Channels in Sharing Zone
Channels Primary access
1-360 U.S.
361-610 Mexico.
611-830 U.S.-Mexico Co-Primary.
(2) Stations authorized on U.S. primary channels in the Sharing Zone
are subject to the effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna height
limits listed below in Table A2.
Table A2—Limits on Effective Radiated Power (ERP) and Antenna Height
Average of the antenna height above average terrain on standard radials
in the direction of the common border
(meters)^1 Maximum ERP in any direction toward the common border per 25
0 to 503 500
Above 503 to 609 350
Above 609 to 762 200
Above 762 to 914 140
Above 914 to 1066 100
Above 1066 to 1219 75
Above 1219 to 1371 70
Above 1371 to 1523 65
Above 1523 5
^1Standard radials are 0�°, 45�°, 90�°, 135�°, 180�°, 225�°, 270�° and 315�° to
True North. The height above average terrain on any standard radial is
based upon the average terrain elevation above mean sea level.
(3) Stations may be authorized on channels primary to Mexico in the
Sharing Zone provided the maximum power flux density (PFD) at any point
at or beyond the border does not exceed −107 db(W/m2) per 25 kHz of
bandwidth. Licensees may exceed this value only if all potentially
affected counterpart operators in the other country agree to a higher
PFD level.
(4) Stations authorized on U.S.-Mexico co-primary channels in the
Sharing Zone are permitted to exceed a maximum power flux density (PFD)
of −107 db(W/m2) per 25 kHz of bandwidth at any point at or beyond the
border only if all potentially affected counterpart operators of 800
MHz high density cellular systems, as defined in § 90.7, agree.
(5) Channels in the Sharing Zone are available for licensing as
indicated in Table A3 below.
Table A3—Eligibility Requirements for Channels in Sharing Zone
Channels Eligibility requirements
1-230 Report and Order of Gen.
Docket No. 87-112.
231-315 Public Safety Pool.
316-550 General Category.
551-830 Special Mobilized Radio for 800 MHz High Density Cellular.
(i) Channel numbers 1-230 are also available to eligible applicants in
the Public Safety Category in the Canada Border Regions. The assignment
of these channels will be done in accordance with the policies defined
in the Report and Order of Gen. Docket No. 87-112 (See § 90.16). The
following channels are available only for mutual aid purposes as
defined in Gen. Docket No. 87-112: Channels 1, 39, 77, 115, 153. Mobile
and portable radios operating on the mutual aid channels shall employ
analog FM emission.
(ii) Channels 231-315 are available to applicants eligible in the
Public Safety Category which consists of licensees eligible in the
Public Safety Pool of subpart B of this part. 800 MHz high density
cellular systems as defined in § 90.7 are prohibited on these channels.
(iii) Channels 316-550 are available in the General Category. All
entities are eligible for licensing on these channels. 800 MHz high
density cellular systems as defined in § 90.7 are prohibited on these
(iv) Channels 551-830 are available to applicants eligible in the SMR
category—which consists of Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) stations and
eligible end users. ESMR licensees who employ 800 MHz high density
cellular systems, as defined in § 90.7, are permitted to operate on
these channels.
(6) Stations located outside the Sharing Zone (i.e. greater than 110 km
from the border) are subject to the channel eligibility requirements
and provisions listed in § § 90.615 and 90.617 except that stations in
the following counties are exempt from the requirements of paragraph
(k) of § 90.617:
California: San Luis Obispo, Kern, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara,
Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside.
(b) Use of frequencies in 900 MHz Band in Mexico border region. All
operations in the 896-901/935-940 MHz band within the Mexico border
region shall be in accordance with international agreements between the
U.S. and Mexico.
(1) The channels listed in Table 1 below are available to applicants
eligible in the Industrial/Business Pool of subpart C of this part but
exclude Special Mobilized Radio Systems as defined in § 90.603(c). These
frequencies are available within the Mexico border region. Specialized
Mobile Radio (SMR) systems will not be authorized on these frequencies.
For multi-channel systems, channels may be grouped vertically or
horizontally as they appear in the following table. Channels numbered
above 200 may be used only subject to the power flux density limits
stated in paragraph (a)(2) of this section:
Table 1—United States/Mexico Border Area, Business/Industrial/Land
Transportation Pool 896-901/935-940 MHz Band
[199 Channels]
Channel Nos.
11-12-13-14-15 131-132-133-134-135
16-17-18-19-20 136-137-138-139-140
31-32-33-34-35 231-232-233-234-235
36-37-38-39-40 236-237-238-239-240
51-52-53-54-55 171-172-173-174-175
56-57-58-59-60 176-177-178-179-180
71-72-74-75 271-272-273-274-275
76-77-78-79-80 276-277-278-279-280
91-92-93-94-95 211-212-213-214-215
96-97-98-99-100 216-217-218-219-220
111-112-113-114-115 311-312-313-314-315
116-117-118-119-120 316-317-318-319-320
151-152-153-154-155 351-352-353-354-355
156-157-158-159-160 356-357-358-359-360
191-192-193-194-195 391-392-393-394-395
196-197-198-199-200 396-397-398-399
251-252-253-254-255 331-332-333-334-335
256-257-258-259-260 336-337-338-339-340
291-292-293-294-295 371-372-373-374-375
296-297-298-299-300 376-377-378-379-380
(2) The channels listed in Table 2 of this section are available for
operations only to eligibles in the SMR category—which consists of
Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) stations and eligible end users. These
frequencies are available in the Mexico border region. The spectrum
blocks listed in the table below are available for EA-based services
according to § 90.681.
Table 2—United States-Mexico Border Area, SMR Category 896-901/935-940
MHz Band
[200 Channels]
Block Channel Nos.
A 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
B 21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30
C 41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-50
D 61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-70
E 81-82-83-84-85-86-87-88-89-90
F 101-102-103-104-105-106-107-108-109-110
G 121-122-123-124-125-126-127-128-129-130
H 141-142-143-144-145-146-147-148-149-150
I 161-162-163-164-165-166-167-168-169-170
J 181-182-183-184-185-186-187-188-189-190
K 201-202-203-204-205-206-207-208-209-210
L 221-222-223-224-225-226-227-228-229-230
M 241-242-243-244-245-246-247-248-249-250
N 261-262-263-264-265-266-267-268-269-270
O 281-282-283-284-285-286-287-288-289-290
P 301-302-303-304-305-306-307-308-309-310
Q 321-322-323-324-325-326-327-328-329-330
R 341-342-343-344-345-346-347-348-349-350
S 361-362-363-364-365-366-367-368-369-370
T 381-382-383-384-385-386-387-388-389-390
Channels numbered above 200 may only be used subject to the power flux
density limits at or beyond the Mexico border as stated in paragraph
(4) of this section.
(3) The specific channels that are available for licensing in the band
896-901/935-940 MHz within the Mexico border region are subject to
Effective Radiated Power (ERP) and Antenna Height limitations as
indicated in Table 3 below.
Table 3—Limits of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) Corresponding to
Antenna Heights of Base Stations in the 896-901/935-940 MHz Bands
Within 110 Kilometers (68.4 Miles) of the Mexican Border
Antenna height above mean sea level ERP in watts
Meters Feet
0-503 0-1650 500
504-609 1651-2000 350
610-762 2001-2500 200
764-914 2501-3000 140
915-1066 3001-3500 100
1067-1219 3501-4000 75
1220-1371 4000-4500 70
1372-1523 4501-5000 65
Above 1523 Above 5000 5
(4) All channels in the 896-901/935-940 MHz band are available for
assignment to U.S. stations within the Mexico border region if the
maximum power flux density (pfd) of the station's transmitted signal at
any point at or beyond the border does not exceed −107 dB (W/m2). The
spreading loss must be calculated using the free space formula taking
into account any antenna discrimination in the direction of the border.
Authorizations for stations using channels allotted to Mexico on a
primary basis will be secondary to Mexican operations and conditioned
to require that licensees take immediate action to eliminate any
harmful interference resulting from the station's transmitted signal
exceeding −107 dB (W/m2).
(c) Use of 800 MHz Band in Canada Border Region. All operations in the
806-824/851-869 MHz band within 140 km (87 miles) of the U.S./Canada
border (“U.S./Canada border area”) shall be in accordance with
international agreements between the U.S. and Canada.
(1) The U.S./Canada border area is divided into the following
geographical regions (“Canada Border Regions”). U.S. primary channels
are shown in the table by region. The remaining channels are primary to
Canada (“Canada Primary channels”).
Table C1—Geographical Regions
Region Location (longitude) U.S. primary channels
1 66�° W-71�° W (0-100 km from border) 1-260, 561-710, 772-790 and
2 71�° W-80�°30′ W (0-100 km from border) 1-170, 621-710 and 795-830.
3 80�°30′ W-85�° W (0-100 km from border) 1-320, 501-710, 729-730,
732-750, 752-770, 772-790 and 792-830.
4 85�° W-121�°30′ W (0-100 km from border) 1-260, 561-710, 772-790 and
5 121�°30′ W-127�° W (0-140 km from border) 1-260, 561-710, 772-790 and
6 127�° W-143�° W (0-100 km from border) 1-260, 561-710, 772-790 and
7A 66�° W-71�° W (100-140 km from border) 1-830.
7A 80�°30′ W-121�°30′ W (100-140 km from border) 1-830.
7B 71�° W-80�°30′ W (100-140 km from border) 1-830.
8 127�° W-143�° W (100-140 km from border) 1-830.
(2) Stations authorized on U.S. primary channels in all Canada Border
Regions, except Region 5, will be subject to the Effective Radiated
Power (ERP) and Effective Antenna Height (EAH) limitations listed in
Table C2. The Effective Antenna Height is calculated by subtracting the
Assumed Average Terrain Elevation (AATE) listed in Table C3 from the
antenna height above mean sea level.
Table C2—Limits of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) Corresponding to
Effective Antenna Heights (EAH) for Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8
Effective Antenna Height (EAH) ERP watts
Metres Feet
0-152 0-500 500
153-305 501-1000 125
306-457 1001-1500 40
458-609 1501-2000 20
610-914 2001-3000 10
915-1066 3001-3500 6
Above 1967 Above 3501 5
Table C3—Assumed Average Terrain Elevation (AATE) Along the U.S.-Canada
Longitude (Φ)
(�°West) Latitude (Ω)
(�°North) Assumed average terrain elevation
United States Canada
Feet Metres Feet Metres
65 ≤Φ <69 Ω <45 0 0 0 0
” 45 ≤Ω <46 300 91 300 91
” Ω ≥46 1000 305 1000 305
69 ≤Φ <73 All 2000 609 1000 305
73 ≤Φ <74 ” 500 152 500 152
74 ≤Φ <78 ” 250 76 250 76
78 ≤Φ <80 Ω <43 250 76 250 76
” Ω ≥43 500 152 500 152
80 ≤Φ <90 All 600 183 600 183
90 ≤Φ <98 ” 1000 305 1000 305
98 ≤Φ <102 ” 1500 457 1500 457
102 ≤Φ <108 ” 2500 762 2500 762
108 ≤Φ <111 ” 3500 1066 3500 1066
111 ≤Φ <113 ” 4000 1219 3500 1066
113 ≤Φ <114 ” 5000 1524 4000 1219
114 ≤Φ <121.5 ” 3000 914 3000 914
121.5 ≤Φ <127 ” 0 0 0 0
Φ ≥127 54 ≤Ω <56 0 0 0 0
” 56 ≤Ω <58 500 152 1500 457
” 58 ≤Ω <60 0 0 2000 609
” 60 ≤Ω <62 4000 1219 2500 762
” 62 ≤Ω <64 1600 488 1600 488
” 64 ≤Ω <66 1000 305 2000 609
” 66 ≤Ω <68 750 228 750 228
” 68 ≤Ω <69.5 1500 457 500 152
” Ω ≥69.5 0 0 0 0
(3) Stations authorized on U.S. primary channels in Canada Border
Region 5 will be subject to the Effective Radiated Power (ERP) and
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level limitations listed in Table C4.
Table C4—Limits of Effective Radiated Power (ERP) Corresponding to
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level for Region 5
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level ERP Watts
Metres Feet
0-503 0-1650 500
504-609 1651-2000 350
610-762 2001-2500 200
763-914 2501-3000 140
915-1066 3001-3500 100
1067-1219 3501-4000 75
1220-1371 4001-4500 70
1372-1523 4501-5000 65
Above 1523 Above 5000 5
(4) Stations may be authorized on Canada Primary channels in the Canada
Border Regions provided the maximum power flux density (PFD) per 25 kHz
at or beyond the border does not exceed −107 dB(W/m2). Stations
authorized on Canada Primary channels will be secondary to stations in
Canada unless otherwise specified in an international agreement between
the U.S. and Canada.
(5) Stations authorized to operate within 30 kilometers of the center
city coordinates listed in Table C5 may operate according to the band
plan for Canadian Border Regions 7A and 7B as indicated below.
Table C5—Cities That Are Considered To Fall Within Candian Border
Region 7
Location Coordinates Canadian border region
Latitude Longitude
Akron, Ohio 41�°05′00.2″ N 81�°30′39.4″ W 7A
Youngstown, Ohio 41�°05′57.2″ N 80�°39′01.3″ W 7A
Syracuse, New York 43�°03′04.2″ N 76�°09′12.7″ W 7B
(6) The channels listed in Table C6 and paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this
section are available in the Canada Border Regions for non-cellular
operations to eligible applicants in the Public Safety Category which
consists of licensees eligible in the Public Safety Pool of subpart B
of this part. 800 MHz high density cellular systems as defined in § 90.7
are prohibited on these channels.
Table C6—Public Safety Pool 806-816/851-861 MHz Band Channels in the
Canada Border Regions
Canada Border Region Channel Nos. Total
Regions 1, 4, 5 and 6 231-260 30 Channels.
Region 2 See paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section
Region 3 231-320, 501-508 90 Channels.
Regions 7A and 8 269, 289, 311, 399, 439, 270, 290, 312, 400, 440, 279,
299, 319, 339, 359, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 309, 329, 349, 369, 389,
310, 330, 350, 370, 390, 313, 353, 393, 441, 461, 314, 354, 394, 448,
468, 321, 341, 361, 381, 419, 328, 348, 368, 388, 420, 351, 379, 409,
429, 449, 352, 380, 410, 430, 450, 391, 392, 401, 408, 421, 428, 459,
460, 469, 470 70 Channels.
Region 7B 231-260, 269, 289, 311, 399, 439, 270, 290, 312, 400, 440,
279, 299, 319, 339, 359, 280, 300, 320, 340, 360, 309, 329, 349, 369,
389, 310, 330, 350, 370, 390, 313, 353, 393, 441, 461, 314, 354, 394,
448, 468, 315, 355, 395, 435, 475, 316, 356, 396, 436, 476, 317, 357,
397, 437, 477, 318, 358, 398, 438, 478, 321, 341, 361, 381, 419, 328,
348, 368, 388, 420, 331, 371, 411, 451, 491, 332, 372, 412, 452, 492,
333, 373, 413, 453, 493, 334, 374, 414, 454, 494, 335, 375, 415, 455,
495, 336, 376, 416, 456, 496, 337, 377, 417, 457, 497, 338, 378, 418,
458, 498, 351, 379, 409, 429, 449, 352, 380, 410, 430, 450, 391, 392,
401, 408, 421, 428, 459, 460, 469, 470, 431, 432, 433, 434, 471, 472,
473, 474, 479, 480 170 Channels.
(i) Channel numbers 1-230 are also available to eligible applicants in
the Public Safety Category in the Canada Border Regions. The assignment
of these channels will be done in accordance with the policies defined
in the Report and Order of Gen. Docket No. 87-112 (See § 90.16). The
following channels are available only for mutual aid purposes as
defined in Gen. Docket No. 87-112: Channels 1, 39, 77, 115, 153. Mobile
and portable radios operating on the mutual aid channels shall employ
analog FM emission.
(ii) [Reserved]
(7) The channels listed in Table C7 are available in the Canada Border
Regions for the General Category. All entities will be eligible for
licensing on these channels. 800 MHz high density cellular systems as
defined in § 90.7 are permitted on these channels only as indicated in
Table C7. The channels noted for Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 where high
density cellular systems are prohibited are all frequencies that are
primary to Canada. Stations may be licensed on these Canada Primary
channels according to paragraph (c)(4) of this section.
Table C7—General Category 806-821/851-866 MHz Band Channels in the
Canada Border Regions
Canada border region General category channels where 800 MHz high
cellular systems
are prohibited General category channels where 800 MHz high density
cellular systems
are permitted
Regions 1, 4, 5 and 6 261-560 561-710
Region 2 231-620 621-710
Region 3 321-500 509-710
Regions 7A and 8 231-260, 511-550 None
Region 7B 511-550 None
(8) The channels listed in Table C8 are available in the Canada Border
Regions to applicants eligible in the Industrial/Business Pool of
subpart C of this part but exclude Special Mobilized Radio Systems as
defined in § 90.603(c). 800 MHz cellular high density systems as defined
in § 90.7 are prohibited on these channels.
Table C8—Business/Industrial/Land Transportation Pool 806-816/851-861
MHz Band Channels in the Canada Border Regions
Canada Border Region Channel Nos. Total
Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 None 0 Channels.
Regions 7A, 7B and 8 261, 271, 281, 291, 301, 262, 272, 282, 292, 302,
263, 273, 283, 293, 303, 264, 274, 284, 294, 304, 265, 275, 285, 295,
305, 266, 276, 286, 296, 306, 267, 277, 287, 297, 307, 268, 278, 288,
298, 308, 322, 362, 402, 442, 482, 323, 363, 403, 443, 483, 324, 364,
404, 444, 484, 325, 365, 405, 445, 485, 326, 366, 406, 446, 486, 327,
367, 407, 447, 487, 342, 382, 422, 462, 502, 343, 383, 423, 463, 503,
344, 384, 424, 464, 504, 345, 385, 425, 465, 505, 346, 386, 426, 466,
506, 347, 387, 427, 467, 507 100 Channels.
(9) The channels listed in Table C9 are available in the Canada Border
Regions to applicants eligible in the SMR category—which consists of
Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) stations and eligible end users. 800 MHz
high density cellular systems, as defined in § 90.7, are prohibited on
these channels.
Table C9—SMR Category 806-816/851-861 MHz Channels Available for
Site-Based Licensing in the Canada Border Regions
Canada Border Region Channel Nos. Total
Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 None 0 Channels.
Regions 7A and 8 315, 355, 395, 435, 475, 316, 356, 396, 436, 476, 317,
357, 397, 437, 477, 318, 358, 398, 438, 478, 331, 371, 411, 451, 491,
332, 372, 412, 452, 492, 333, 373, 413, 453, 493, 334, 374, 414, 454,
494, 335, 375, 415, 455, 495, 336, 376, 416, 456, 496, 337, 377, 417,
457, 497, 338, 378, 418, 458, 498, 431, 432, 433, 434, 471, 472, 473,
474, 479, 480, 481, 488, 489, 490, 499, 500, 501, 508, 509, 510 80
Region 7B 481, 488, 489, 490, 499, 500, 501, 508, 509, 510 10 Channels.
(10) The channels listed in Table C10 are available in the Canada
Border Regions to applicants eligible in the SMR category—which
consists of Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) stations and eligible end
users. ESMR licensees who employ 800 MHz high density cellular systems,
as defined in § 90.7, are permitted to operate on these channels. Some
of the channels listed in Table C10 are primary to Canada as indicated
in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. ESMR systems may be authorized on
these Canada Primary channels according to paragraph (c)(4) of this
Table C10—ESMR Category 817-824/862-869 MHz Channels Available for 800
MHz High Density Systems
Canada Border Region Channel Nos. Total
Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 711-830 120 Channels.
Regions 7A, 7B and 8 551-830 280 Channels.
(11) In Canada Border Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, the following
General Category channels are available for licensing to all entities
except as described below in paragraphs (c)(11)(i) and (c)(11)(ii): in
Regions 1, 4, 5 and 6, channels 261-560; in Region 2, channels 231-620
and in Region 3, channels 321-500.
(i) In a given 800 MHz NPSPAC region, the General Category channels
listed paragraph (c)(11) of this section which are vacated by licensees
relocating to channels 711-830 and which remain vacant after band
reconfiguration will be available for licensing as follows:
(A) Only to eligible applicants in the Public Safety Category until
three years after the release of a public notice announcing the
completion of band reconfiguration in that region;
(B) Only to eligible applicants in the Public Safety or Critical
Infrastructure Industry Categories from three to five years after the
release of a public notice announcing the completion of band
reconfiguration in that region; and
(C) To all entities five years after release of a public notice
announcing the completion of band reconfiguration in that region.
(ii) The General Category channels listed in paragraph (c)(11) of this
section are primary to Canada. Stations may be authorized on these
Canada Primary channels according to paragraph (c)(4).
(12) In Canada Border Regions 7A, 7B and 8, the following channels will
be available as described in paragraphs (c)(12)(i) and (c)(12)(ii) of
this section: for Canada Border Regions 7A and 8, channels 231-260 and
channels below 471 in Tables C8 and C9; for Canada Border Region 7B all
channels in Tables C8 and C9.
(i) In a given 800 MHz NPSPAC region, the channels listed paragraph
(c)(12) of this section which are vacated by licensees relocating to
channels 511-830 and which remain vacant after band reconfiguration
will be available as follows:
(A) Only to eligible applicants in the Public Safety Category until
three years after the release of a public notice announcing the
completion of band reconfiguration in that region; and
(B) Only to eligible applicants in the Public Safety or Critical
Infrastructure Industry Categories from three to five years after the
release of a public notice announcing the completion of band
reconfiguration in that region.
(ii) Five years after the release of a public notice announcing the
completion of band reconfiguration in a given 800 MHz NPSPAC region,
the channels listed in paragraph (c)(12) of this section will revert
back to their original pool categories.
(d) Use of 900 MHz Band in Canada Border Region. All operations in the
896-901/935-940 MHz band within the Canada border region shall be in
accordance with international agreements between the U.S. and Canada.
The following criteria shall govern the assignment of frequency pairs
(channels) in the 896-901/935-940 MHz band for stations located in the
U.S./Canada border area. They are available for assignments for
conventional or trunked systems in accordance with applicable sections
of this subpart.
(1) Channels 1-399, as listed in § 90.613 table of 896-901/935-940 MHz
Channel Designations, are available to eligible applicants for use in
the U.S./Canada border area as shown in table 27. Additionally,
Channels 71, 75, 79, 151, 155, and 159 are available in all regions
only for implementation of an Advanced Train Control System as defined
in 3 FCC Rcd 427 (1988) (Advanced Train Control Waiver).
Table 27—Channels in the 896-901/935-940 MHz Frequency Bands Available
in the U.S./Canada Border Area
Region Location (longitude) Channels
1 66�° W-71�° W. (0-100 km from border) 1-200, 398, 399
2 71�° W-80�°30′ W (0-100 km from border) 1-120
3 80�°30′ W-85�° W (0-100 km from border) 1-340
4 85�° W-121�°30′ W (0-100 km from border) 1-200, 398, 399
5 121�°30′ W-127�° W (0-140 km from border) 1-200, 398, 399
6 127�° W-143�° W (0-100 km from border) 1-200, 398, 399
7 66�° W-121�°30′ W (100-140 km from border) 1-399
8 127�° W-143�° W (100-140 km from border) 1-399
Note: For assignments in the 896-901/935-940 MHz bands, the cities of
Akron, Ohio (41�°05′00″ N, 81�°30′40″ W) and Youngstown, Ohio (41�°05′57″
N, 80�°39′02″ W) are considered outside of Region 3, and Syracuse, New
York (43�°03′04″ N, 76�°09′14″ W) is considered outside of Region 2.
These cities are defined as an area with the given center coordinates
and encompassing a circle of 30 km radius.
(2) All frequency assignments made pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this
section shall comply with the requirements of § 90.619(b).
(3) In Region 5, Channels 201-397 may be authorized in the United
States under the following conditions:
(i) An assignment may be made if the predicted power flux density (PFD)
of a proposed station's signal does not exceed −107 dBW/m2 at the
border. The prediction of the PFD is calculated based upon a modified
Longley-Rice point-to-point propagation model with time and location
variabilities of 10 percent3 and 3-second digitized terrain date4.
3See note 1, paragraph (c) of this section.
4See note 2, paragraph (c) of this section.
(ii) Authorizations for Channels 201-397 in Region 5 are secondary to
Canadian operations and conditioned to require that licensees take
immediate action to eliminate any harmful interference resulting from
the station's transmitted signal exceeding −107 dBW/m2 at or beyond the
U.S./Canada border.
(4) Channel assignments for stations to be located in the geographical
area in Region 1 enclosed by the United States-Canada border, the
meridian 71�° W and the line beginning at the intersection of 44�°25′ N,
71�° W, then running by great circle arc to the intersection of 45�° N,
70�° W, then North along meridian 70�° W to the intersection of 45�°45′ N,
then running West along 45�°45′ N to the intersection of the United
States-Canada border, will be only for channels 121 through 160,
inclusive, and will be limited to assignments with 11 kHz or less
necessary bandwidth. Coordination with Canada will be required for
these channels.
(5) Channel assignments for stations to be located in the geographical
area in Region 3 enclosed by the meridian of 81�° W longitude, the arc
of a circle of 100 km radius centered at 42�°39′30″ N latitude and 81�° W
longitude at the northern shore of Lake Erie and drawn clockwise from
the southerly intersection with 80�°30′ W longitude to intersect the
United States-Canada border West of 81�° W, and the United States-Canada
border, will be only for channels 121 through 230, inclusive, and will
be limited to assignments with 11 kHz or less necessary bandwidth.
Coordination with Canada will be required for these channels. U.S.
stations must protect Canadian stations operating on channels 121
through 230 within an area of 30 km radius from the center city
coordinates (referenced to North American Datum 1983 (NAD83)) of
London, Ontario (42�°59′00.1″ N, 81�°13′59.5″ W).
(6) Additional channels available—The channels listed in table 28 are
available for assignment in Regions 1-6 if the maximum power flux
density (PFD) of the station's transmitted signal does not exceed the
limits specified in tables 29 and 30. The spreading loss shall be
calculated using the free space formula taking into account any antenna
discrimination in the direction of the border.
Table 28—Additional Channels Available
[Regions 1-6]
Region Channel No.'s Effective radiated power
1 201-397 See Table 29
2 121-399 See Table 29
3 341-399 See Table 29
4 201-397 See Table 29
5 201-397 See Table 30
6 201-397 See Table 29
Authorizations for stations using these channels will be secondary to
Canadian operations and conditioned to require that licensees take
immediate action to eliminate any harmful interference resulting from
the station's transmitted signal exceeding the values specified in
tables 29 or 30 at or beyond the U.S./Canada border.
Table 29—Maximum Power Flux Density (PFD) at the U.S./Canada Border
Corresponding to Effective Antenna Height
[Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6]
Effective antenna height (EAH) PFD (dBW/m^2)
Feet Meters
0-500 0-152 −84
501-1000 153-305 −90
1001-1500 306-457 −95
1501-2000 458-609 −98
2001-2500 610-762 −101
2501-3000 763-914 −101
3001-3500 915-1066 −103
3501-4000 1067-1219 −104
Above 4000 Above 1219 −104
Table 30—Maximum Power Flux Density (PFD) at the U.S./Canada Border
Corresponding to Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level
[Region 5]
Antenna height above mean sea level PFD (dBW/m^2)
Feet Meters
0-1650 0-503 −87.0
1651-2000 504-609 −88.5
2001-2500 610-762 −91.0
2501-3000 763-914 −92.5
3001-3500 915-1066 −94.0
3501-4000 1067-1219 −95.0
4001-4500 1220-1371 −95.5
4501-5000 1372-1523 −96.0
Above 5000 Above 1523 −107.0
(Secs. 4(i) and 303, Communications Act, as amended, and 5 U.S.C. 553
(b)(3)(B) and (d)(1))
[ 47 FR 41032 , Sept. 16, 1982; 47 FR 41045 , Sept. 16, 1982]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 90.619, see
the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids
section of the printed volume and at
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