Goto Section: 8.18 | 8.19 | Table of Contents
FCC 8.19
Revised as of June 8, 2018
Goto Year:2017 |
ยง 8.19 Other laws and considerations.
Link to an amendment published at 83 FR 7922 , Feb. 22, 2018.
Link to an amendment published at 83 FR 21927 , May 11, 2018.
(a) Nothing in this part supersedes any obligation or authorization a
provider of broadband Internet access service may have to address the
needs of emergency communications or law enforcement, public safety, or
national security authorities, consistent with or as permitted by
applicable law, or limits the provider's ability to do so.
(b) Nothing in this part prohibits reasonable efforts by a provider of
broadband Internet access service to address copyright infringement or
other unlawful activity.
[ 76 FR 59232 , Sept. 23, 2011. Redesignated at 80 FR 19847 , Apr. 13,
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Goto Section: 8.18 | 8.19
Goto Year: 2017 |
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