Goto Section: 95.701 | 95.719 | Table of Contents
FCC 95.703
Revised as of October 1, 2020
Goto Year:2019 |
ยง 95.703 Definitions, RCRS.
Model aircraft. A small imitation of an aircraft, such as an airplane
or a helicopter.
Model surface craft. A small imitation of a boat, car, or other type of
vehicle for carrying people or objects, other than an aircraft.
Radio Control Radio Service (RCRS). A non-commercial short-distance
radio service for wirelessly controlling the operation of devices,
including, but not limited to, model vehicles such as aircraft and
surface craft.
RCRS transmitter. A transmitter that is used or intended to be used in
the RCRS.
Goto Section: 95.701 | 95.719
Goto Year: 2019 |
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